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Trail: ApprenticeBookbinder

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.


seriously, I want to learn a craft. So I am hoping to work for this woman,Josée Van Loon, or take her classes. She seems to be very qualified!

So not exactly good news, i must wait till may :(


But, in the meantime I have learned a thing or two about dedication to craft from one Mr. David Bull
Consultancy Agency and Workshop for Preservation, Conservation and Restoration of Books,
Archival Materials and Graphic Arts. Preservation Management for Libraries and Archives

 Bibliotheca Wittockiana,
 21-23 rue de Bemel, 1150 Bruxelles
 32 2 770 5333 
 Tues-Sat 10.00-5.00pm
 Closed Sunday & Monday

A wonderful collection of contemporary and historical bookbindings, founded by Michel Wittock, with ongoing exhibitions. Enormous book-sculptures grace the entrance of the Library/Gallery in this quiet neighborhood. A taxi ride to the suburbs from the Gare Centrale, but call ahead to be sure they’re open.
i know this place, NYC
The Center for Book Arts offers over 100 classes and workshops in bookbinding, letterpress printing, paper marbling, typography, and related fields. The Center has mounted over 140 exhibitions during the last 30 years.

 Handboekbinderij Rozier BVBA
 Rozier 19
 9000 Gent 
 09 223 53 80
 09 233 39 80It’s right around the corner, and yet, i can’t find it.