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Trail: LetsMakeAVideogame CaproniCasts



 Not sure where I got the catalog anymore but maybe it was from Mrs. Clay my art teacher at Attucks High School in 1986
Not sure where I got the catalog anymore but maybe it was from Mrs. Clay my art teacher at Attucks High School in 1986

Caproni Casts: Plaster Reproductions of Sculpture for Drawing and Modeling Classes

This catalog was for ordering plaster reproductions of famous classical sculpture. I never knew the story of it until now.
Apparently Caproni went round the world to make casts from the original sculptures. This made hiss studio in Boston and very important museum in its own right.
I was looking around on the net to see if this studio still existed but, alas, no. But this company has some of the original casts and they can still be bought.