AurieaHarvey About Contact Index Random
Trail: StreetView ConfigPage

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.


package OddMuse;
$CookieName  = 'akiw';
$SiteName    = 'Auriea L';	  
$HomePage    = 'AurieaL';	  
$RCName      = 'About';
$KeepDays = 365;
$defaultTZ = 2;

$UploadAllowed = 1;
@UploadTypes = ('image/jpg','image/jpeg','image/gif','image/png','image/png','application/pdf', 'image/svg+xml');

#$StyleSheet = '';
$UserGotoBar = '<form method="get" action="" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"><input name="id" id="sideinput"></form>';;
@UserGotoBarPages = ($ConfigPage, 'css', $RCName); # List of pagenames
%AdminPages = ( $InterMap, $RssExclude, $NearMap, $RCName, $ConfigPage, $StyleSheetPage );

sub GetFeeds {};
push(@MyInitVariables, \&AddMyRssFeeds);
      $HtmlHeaders =
'<meta name="viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0, minimum-scale = 1, maximum-scale = 1, user-scalable = no" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="Auriea" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">';

sub AddMyRssFeeds {

      $HtmlHeaders .= $q->Link({-rel => "alternate",
                    -type => "application/rss+xml",
		    -title => "$SiteName: autobiography, list of changed pages.",
		    -href => ""
      . $q->Link({-rel => "alternate",
		    -type => "application/rss+xml",
		    -title => "$SiteName: diary, images, words.",
		    -href => ";full=1;title="
		    . UrlEncode("Diary")});
      # Per page full feed only if looking at a page                                                                                                
      my $id = GetId();
      return unless $id;
      my $title = FreeToNormal($id);
      my $utitle = UrlEncode($title);
      $HtmlHeaders .= $q->Link({-rel => "alternate",
				-type => "application/rss+xml",
				-title => "$SiteName: this page, when it changes, you see changes.",
				-href => "$ScriptName?action=rss;full=1;rcidonly=$id;title=$utitle"})  
$NotFoundPg  = '';
$EditAllowed = 0;
$SiteBase    = '';
$BracketWiki = 1; 
$LogoUrl = '';
$SurgeProtection  = 1;
$SurgeProtectionTime = 30;
$SurgeProtectionViews = 100;	
$MaxPost     = 10000 * 4096;
$PageCluster = '';
$PageTypesName = 'Cluster';
$UseQuestionmark = 0;

$RawHtml     = 1;
$HtmlLinks   = 1;
$HtmlTags    = 1;
$TopLinkBar  = 1;
$FooterNote ='';
$EditNote = '<a href="/">TextFormattingRules</a>';

$NewText     = 'OneMomentAfterAnother';
$NewComment  = 'non. désolé.';
$CalendarOnEveryPage = 0;   # 1=on every page is a month-div situated in the header, use css to control
$CalAsTable = 1;            # 0=every month-div is "free", 1=every month-div is caught in a table, use css to control
$CalStartMonday = 1;        # 0=week starts with Su, 1=week starts with Mo
$UseModMarkupInTitles = 1;
$PageTrailLength = 8;
$ImageUrlPath = '/static';
$SoundUrlPath = '/mp3'; # URL where the mp3 files are to be found
$LocalNamesCollect = 0;
$MarkupQuotes = 1;

 my %RecurringDays = (
 '1971-06-02'=>"Auriea, it is your birthday! %s years",
 '1968-06-28'=>"Today is Michaels birthday! – %s years",
 '1999-01-29'=>"Michael and Auriea met in hell %s years ago today.",
 '1999-01-30'=>"Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin %s years ago today.",
 '1999-03-18'=>"Michael and Auriea met in the flesh in San Francisco and launched %s years",
 '1999-05-13'=>"Auriea moved to Belgium for good %s years ago today!",
 '2003-01-08'=>"Auriea and Michael are married %s years as of today!",

 sub {
 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = localtime(time);
 $year += 1900;
 $mon  +=    1;
 for my $date (keys %RecurringDays) {
 my ($y, $m, $d) = split(/-[ 0]?/, $date);
 = ScriptLink($date, Ts($RecurringDays{$date}, $year - $y));

sub MyRules {
  if (m/\G<comment>(.*?)<\/comment>[ \t]*/cgs) {
        return CloseHtmlEnvironments()
          . '<!---'

          . '--->';

  if (m/\G&lt;source&gt;\n?(.*?\n)&lt;\/source&gt;[ \t]*\n?/cgs) { # source must be on column 1
        return CloseHtmlEnvironments()
          . '<form id="source">'
          .  $q->textarea({-name=>'code', -readonly=>'1', -rows=>13, -columns=>'100%',
                          -default=>UnquoteHtml($1),  -override=>1})
         # . $q->br()
          #. $q->input( { -type=>'button',
           #              -value=>'Select All',
          . '</form>';

  return undef;                                                              

# link in new window 
push(@MyRules, \&newWindowLink);
sub newWindowLink
   # compare sub LinkRules in
    if ($BracketText && m/\G(\[new:$FullUrlPattern\s+([^\]]+?)\])/cog
	or m/\G(\[new:$FullUrlPattern\])/cog)
	my ($url, $text) = ($2, $3);
	$url =~ /^($UrlProtocols)/;
	my $class = "url $1";      # get protocol (http, ftp, ...)
	$text = $url unless $text; # use url as link text if text empty
	$url = UnquoteHtml($url);  # quote special chars
	$class .= ' newwindow';    # add newwindow to class
	# output link
	my $link = $q->a({-href=>$url, -class=>$class, -target=>"_new"}, $text);
	return $link;
    return undef;

# div foo
push(@MyRules, \&divRule);

sub divRule {
  if (m/\G\&lt;(div class="[^\"]+")\&gt;/cgi or m/\G\&lt;(\/div)\&gt;/cgi) {
    return CloseHtmlEnvironments() . '<' . UrlDecode($1) . '>';
  return undef;
 sub PrintMyContent {