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Trail: PeaceInTheValley

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.



When they closed the last shopping mall crickets sang in crumbling walls.
Termites ate through the doors. Rabbits hopped along the floors.
The empty shelves swarmed with bees. Cash machines sprouted weeds.
Lizards crawled the parking lot. Swallows flew the empty shops.
And there was peace in the valley once again.

Plants grew up the mannequins painting them with leafy skin.
Their plastic eyes fell to the floor and were carried off by wild boars.
All the mirrors cracked in half when wild horses galloped past
and mourning doves built their nests on the escalator steps.
And there was peace in the valley once again.

Peace In The Valley - Handsome Family1
