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Trail: Book22B TxoomHomecomingSoup



///////////// Northern Flatlands Comfort
(or TxOom? Homecoming Soup) - serves 4

2 leeks, cut roughly into rings, no green parts
2 middle-large potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1 large onion, sliced
5 cm cube of ginger, peeled and grated
2 pieces of star aniseed
2 bay leaves
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
1 dry chilli pepper, crumbled
pinch of cumin powder
750 ml of vegetable stock
olive oil
1 table spoon of caraway seeds
cream or soy cream

Sautee the onion, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, aniseed, cumin and chilli pepper
in olive oil till the onion is glazy. Add the leeks and continue frying for
another 5’. Then add the potatoes and fry for 5’. Add the stock and the bay
leaves. Bring to a boil, and allow to simmer until the leeks are soft and the
potatoes start falling apart. Remove from heat, fish out the bay leaves, and
mix the soup. Stir in cream to taste. Serve with caraway seeds sprinkled on
top after a bumpy ferry crossing.