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an oral tale !

kahani (story)
her mother is ahani
ahani’s father is bassoula

bassoula settled three villages
one asta, one basta (settled) one which just wouldn’t settle (bastaee na tha)

the one which just wouldn’t settle (bastaee na tha)
in it three potters (kumhar) arrived
one limping, one limbless and one who had no hands

the one who had no hands
he made three pots (cooking ones)
one endi, one pendi and one which had no bottom (penda)

the one which had no bottom
in it were cooked three (grains) rice
one alta, one galta (did cook), and one which would not cook

the one which would not cook
to eat it there came three guests
one entha (gnarly), one rootha (upset) and one who would not agree


1. as told by “Yasir Husain” on syndicate 2005-11-02 (Subject:Re: [syndicate] \\ O R D N U N G \ tale)