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Trail: river

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.


ProofOfMyExistence OutsideSomeplace


European Rivers I have met personally


  1. Tiber
  2. Danube
  3. Thames
  4. Seine
  5. Maes
  6. Leie
  7. Spree
  8. Arno
  9. Adige (Verona)
  10. Bosphorus

in America

difficult list to make.

  1. White River (Indianapolis)

River Gods of Antiquity

AIAS A River-God of Epeiros (modern day Albany).

AIGAIOS A River-God of the island of Skheria, mythical home of the Phaiakians, later identified with the Greek island of Korkyra.
AISAR A River-God of Etruria in central Italy.
AISEPOS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
AKHELOIOS A River-God of Aitolia in central Greece. He wrestled with Herakles for the hand of the Aitolian princess Deianeira, but was overcome by the hero.
AKHERON A River-God of Hades, the Underworld and Thesprotia in north-western Greece.
AKIS A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily) in southern Italy. He was originally a mortal boy loved by the Nereis Galateia. The jealous Kyklops Polyphemos crushed him beneath a stone.

AKRAGAS A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily) in southern Italy.
ALMO A River-God of Latium (the Roman kingdom) in Italy.
ALPHEIOS A River-God of Arkadia and Elis, in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. He loved the Nymphe Arethousa and pursued her all the way under the sea to the island of Sikelia (Sicily).
AMNISOS A River-God of the island of Krete in the Greek Aegean. His daughters were companions of the goddess Artemis.
AMPHRYSOS A River-God of Thessalia in northern Greece.
ANAPOS A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily), southern Italy.
ANAUROS A River-God of Thessalia in northern Greece.
ANIGROS A River-God of Elis in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
APIDANOS A River of Thessalia (in modern day Greece) and its god.
ARDESKOS A River-God of inland Thrake (modern Bulgaria).
ARNOS A River-God of Etruria in central Italy.
ASKANIOS A River-God of Mysia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
ASOPOS A River-God of Boiotia and Argos, in southern Greece. His twenty beautiful Naias daughters were abducted by the gods. When he attempted to recover Aigina, Zeus struck him with a thunderbolt.
ASTERION A River-God of Argos in the Peloponnessos, southern Greece. His daughters were the nurses of Hera.
AXIOS A River-God of Paionia (modern FYRO Macedonia) and Makedonia in northern Greece.
BAPHYRAS A River-God of Pieria in northern Greece.
BOLBE A Lake-Goddess of Thessalia in northern Greece.
BORYSTHENES A River-God of central Skythia (modern Ukraine) in north-eastern Europe. His river is now called the Dnieper.
BRYKHON A River-God of the Khersonessos in Thrake (modern north Greece). He was an ally of the Gigantes in their war against the gods.
ELISSON A River-God of Akhaia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
ENIPEUS A River-God of Thessalia in northern Greece.
ERASINOS A River-God of Argos in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
ERIDANOS (1) A River-God of Hyperborea in northern Europe (later identified with the River Rhine of modern day Germany or the Don of Italy).
ERIDANOS (2) A River-God of Attika in southern Greece.
ERYMANTHOS A River-God of Arkadia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
EUENOS A River-God of Aitolia in central Greece.
EUPHRATES A River-God of Assyria (modern eastern Turkey & Iraq) in west Asia.
EUROTAS A River-God of Lakedaimonia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. He was the first king of Sparta.
GANGES A River-God of India in southern Asia.
GRENIKOS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
GYGAIE A Lake-God or Goddess of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
HALIAKMON A River-God of Makedonia and Pieria in northern Greece.
HALYS A River-God of Paphlygonia and Pontos in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
HEBROS A River-God of Kikonia in Thrake (modern day northern Greece, southern Bulgaria).
HEPTAPOROS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
HERMOS A River-God of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
HYDASPES A River-God of India (modern Pakistan & Indian Kashmir). He opposed Dionysos in his war against the Indians.
ILISSOS A River-God of Attika in southern Greece.
IMBRASOS A River-God of the island of Samos in the Greek Aegean.
INAKHOS A River-God of Argos in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece. He was the first king of Argos.
INDOS A River-God of Karia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
INOPOS A River-God of the island of Delos in the Greek Aegean.
ISMENOS A River-God of Boiotia in central Greece.
ISTROS A River-God of western Skythia (modern Romania). His river is now called the Danube.
KAIKINOS A River-God of Bruttium in southern Italy.
KAIKOS A River-God of Teuthrania in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
KAYSTROS A River-God of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
KEBREN A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
KEPHISSOS (1) A River-God of Phokis in central Greece.
KEPHISSOS (2) A River-God of Attika in southern Greece.
KEPHISSOS (3) A River-God of Argos in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
KHREMETES A River-God of Libya in North Africa.
KLADEOS A River-God of Elis in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
KOKYTOS A River-God of Hades, the Underworld and Thesprotia in north-western Greece.
KRIMISOS A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily) in Italy. He seduced a Trojan princess disguised as a dog.
KYDNOS A River-God of Kilikia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
KYTHEROS A River-God of Elis in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
LADON A River-God of Arkadia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
LAMOS A River-God of Kilikia in Anatolia (modern Turkey) or Boiotia in central Greece. His daughters were the nurses of Dionysos.
LETHE A River-Goddess of Hades, the Underworld.
MAIANDROS A River-God of Karia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
MELES A River-God of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
MINKIOS A River-God of Gallia in Italy.
NEDA A River-Goddess of Arkadia in southern Greece, one of the nurses of Zeus.
NEILOS The River-God of Aigyptos (Egypt). His river is now the Nile.
NESTOS A River-God of Bistonia in Thrake (modern north Greece).
NOMIKIOS A River-God of Lation (the Roman kingdom) in Italy.
NYMPHAIOS A River-God of Bithynia and Paphlagonia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
ORONTES A River-God of Syria in west Asia.
PAKTOLOS A River-God of Lydia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
PARTHENIOS A River-God of Paphlagonia in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
PENEIOS A River-God of Thessalia in northern Greece.
PHASIS A River-God of Kolkhis in the Kaukasos (modern Georgia).
PHYLLIS A River-God of Thynia on the Hellespontian coast of Anatolia (modern Turkey).
PLEISTOS A River-God of Phokis in central Greece.
PORPAX A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily) in southern Italy.
PYRIPHLEGETHON A River-God of Hades, the Underworld.
RHESOS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
RHINOS A River-God of Iberia (modern Spain).
RHODIOS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
SAGGARIOS A River-God of Phrygia and Bithynia in Anatolia (modern Turkey). He was a consort of the great Phrygian goddess Kybele (Rhea).
SATNIOEIS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
SELEMNOS A River-God of Akhaia in the Peloponnesos, southern Greece.
SIMOEIS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
SKAMANDROS A River-God of the Troad in Anatolia (modern Turkey). He battled the god Hephaistos in support of the Trojans in their war with the Greeks.
SPERKHEIOS A River-God of Malis in central Greece.
STRYMON A River-God of Edonia in Thrake (north of Greece).
STYX A River-Goddess of Hades, the Underworld and Arkadia in southern Greece.
SYMAITHOS A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily) in southern Italy.
TANAIS A River-God of eastern Skythia (modern Russia) in north-eastern Europe. His river is now the Don.
TELMESSOS A River-God of the island of Sikelia (Sicily) in southern Italy.
TERMESSOS A River-God of Boiotia in central Greece.
THERMODON A River-God of Pontos and Assyria in Anatolia (modern Turkey).
TIBERINOS A River-God of Lation (the Roman kingdom) in Italy.
TIGRIS A River-God of Assyria (modern eastern Turkey and Iraq) in western Asia.
TITARESSOS A River-God of Thessalia in northern Greece.