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maja’s simple tiramisu recipe (serves about 10 ppl)

1 packet of savoiardi (italian biscuits aka lange vingers in dutch)
4-5 cups of coffee
2-3 packets of vanilla sugar (or a few spoonfuls of any sugar, to taste)
500g-750g of mascarpone cheese
amaretto di saronno (to taste)
grated chocolate or powdered cinnamon

brew quite strong espresso coffee. when ready, pour it in a soup bowl and add the sugar. let it cool a bit, until you can dip your fingers inside without getting 3rd grade burns ;). in the mean time, mix the mascarpone with amaretto, adding a few spoonfuls of amaretto at the time. you should get a smooth cream. if you don't want too much alcohol, you can soften the mascarpone with cream, or egg yolk.. Prepare a deep dish (best is if it is rectangular). Dip each individual biscuit in the coffee and layer them side by side in the dish. pour a part of the cheese mixture on top. repeat until you run out of some ingredients. finish with mascarpone cream on top. sprinkle the grated chocolate or cinnamon on top. leave to cool for at least 2 hours.

Simple Tiramisu (serves 6-8)

115 gram (4 oz) Bisconova savoiardi biscuits
397 gram can sweetended condensed milk
500 gram (1 Lb 2 oz) Marscapone cheese
3 x 15 ml tbs sherry or brandy
150 (1/4 pint) expresso or strong black coffee
15 gram (1/2 oz) cocoa powder

1. Mix togerther copndensed milk and marscarpone cheese
2. Mix together sherry/brandy into the cofee mixture in a shallow bowl
3. Dip each savoiardie biscuit into the coffee mixture taking care that they do not go soggy
4. Line a trifle dish with a layer of the savoiardie busicuits
5. Spoon half the condensed milk /marscarpone mixture over the savoiardie biscuits
6. Sift with a generous dusting of cocoa powder
7. Repeat with another layer of savoiardi biscuits, followed by the remainder of the creamy mixture. Finish with a layer of cocoa, the chill before serving for about 1 hour.