DigitalSculpture <center>[[thumb:TestPrints.jpg|600px]]</center> ==3d Printers== # FDM [[Ultimaker3]] . . . - Angel # FDM DIY [[PrusaMk3]] - Antony # SLA [[Form2]] - Momus/Papposilenus * FilamentList ==Printing . . .
1K - last updated 2020-10-11 11:12 by 93-39-148-182.ip76.fastwebnet.it
[[Projects]] I like things to be super clear. I like them to be -rich. I like JazzStandards and FairyTales. . . . * DigitalSculpture * [[kHkGames]] * [[Form2]] ----- [[2018-02-16]] * [[Clay3dPrinting]] * . . .
4K - last updated 2019-05-18 16:46 by Auriea
[[3dPrinter]] Momus and Papposilenus eagerly await! [[thumb:2018-08-24_MagsFirstForm|350px]] LUC IS CURRENTLY . . .
1K - last updated 2018-10-08 22:06 by Au-Roma
[[Empire]] http://www.naarvoren.nl/artikel/hover.html Pulldown Links with text description underneath . . . drop down menu 2--> <form name="form2"> <select name="select2" size="1" style="background-color:#E3FFDF" . . . onChange="displaydesc(document.form2.select2, thetext2, 'textcontainer2')"> <option . . . value="Go" onClick="jumptolink(document.form2.select2)"><br> <span id="textcontainer2" . . . thetext1, 'textcontainer1') displaydesc(document.form2.select2, thetext2, 'textcontainer2') </script> . . .
16K - last updated 2005-08-09 17:17 by AurieaHarvey