I like things to be super clear. I like them to be -rich. I like JazzStandards and FairyTales. Things don’t need to be a dream. I want reality to be real and thats dreamy enough.
see also: FearOfReality, OOO, Consolidation, Projects
- Transubstantiation
- Metamorphoses
- non-human self-representation
- anthropomorphism
- transporting, creatures and objects, into and out of cyberspace
- digital craftsmanship
- SacredArt
- Ruins
- OldMaps - ancient visions of the world, ancient visions of the cosmos
- 3dPrinting
- ProjectorBeamer
- OneMillionDollars
- MasterDrawing
- cathedrals
- d&d
- Photogrammetry
- max/jitter
- grammar/poetry/procedural text
- power & grace
- twine biography
- TwitterBots
- Photogrammetry
- Blogging is the new LJ
- Bringing back the Live mirror
- MaxMspJitter
- Twine
something about:
- 3d polygons
- 3d printed objects as sculpture
- application code as bookbinding
- charcoal and ink
- big heavy books
- photocollage
- sincere stories
- paper paper paper
- immersed in a 3d world
- books as architecture
- wiki as self portraiture
- self portraiture as autobiography
- drawing to understand the world for yourself
- drawing as a way of explaining
- drawing as memory
- seeing in the mind and it comes out as drawing
- automatic drawing
- the warmth of electronics
- the sound of charcoal on paper
- the Internet
- laptops as unique book objects as worlds
other topics, see also: