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Trail: 6 Bernini



see also: ElegantMedia

The following table lists Bernini’s works in Rome by type
(S=sculpture, A=architecture, F=fountain)

Location Type Work
San Pietro S Altar of the Capella dei Sacramento
  S Balconies in the pillars of the dome
  S Baldicchino
  S Cathedra Pietro (apse)
  S Ciborium above St. Peter's tomb
  S Constantine the Great (main landing of Scala Regia)
  S Pasce Ovesmeas (marble relief inside portico above the central door
  A Piazza and colonnade
  A Scala Regia (staircase from Vatican Palace to St. Peter's)
  S St. Longinus (niche of NE pillar of the dome)
  S Statues over the colonnades
  S Tomb of Countess Matilda (right aisle)
  S Tomb of Pope Alexander VII
  S Tomb of Pope Urban VII (in Cathedra Pietro)
Ponte Sant' Angelo S Angel sculptures (copies)
Santa Maria in Monserrato S Bust of Pedro Foix de Montoya
San Pietro in Montorio S Raimondi Chapel
Piazza Navona F Fontana dei Quattro Diumi
  F Fontana dei Moro (central sea god)
Sant' Agostino S Two angels above the high altar
Palazzo Spada A With Borromini
San Lorenzo in Damasco (P.d.Cancelleria) S Tomb of Alessandro Valtrini (entrance wall)
San Francesco a Ripa S Ecstacy of Beata Ludovica Albertoni
Porta del Popolo S Inner face decoration
  F Acqua Acetosa (outside the porta)
Santa Maria del Popolo S Sculpture in Raphael's Chigi Chapel
Palazzo Montecitorio A Begun by Bernini, completed by Fontana)
San Lorenzo in Lucina S Bust of Gabrielle Fonsera (4th chapel on right)
Santa Maria Sopra Minerva S Elephant sculpture in piazza
  S Bust of Giovani Vigevano (left aisle, pillar between 3rd & 4th chapels)
  S Tomb of Carinal Domenico Pimentel (in a narrow passage at the east end of the church)
Gesu S Monument to San Roberto Bellarmino
Piazza di Spagna F Fontana della Barroccia
Sant' Andrea delle Fratte S Angel with crown of thorns
Palazzo Odescalchi A Facade only
Palazzo Doria Pamphilj S Bust of Innocent X
Santa Maria in Aracoeli S Memorial of Carlo Barberini (on entrance wall)
    Memorial inscription for Urban VII (entrance)
Palazzo dei Conservatori S Head of memorial statue of Carlo Barbarini
  S Memorial statue of Pope Urban VIII
Villa Borghese S Amalthea goat
Piazza Barberini F Fontana di Tritone
  F Fontana delle Api
Sant' Andrea al Quirinale A  
Palazzo del Quirinale A Narrow wing running along Via del Quirinale only
Santi Domenico & Sisto S Decoration of 1st chapel on right, Noli Me Tangere sculpture
Museo e Galleria Borghese S Aeneas, Anchises & Ascanius
  S Apollo & Daphne
  S Busts (2) of Pope Paul V
  S Busts of Cardinal Scipione Borghese
  S David
  S Goat Amalthea with Infant (Jupiter or Zeus)
  S Pluto & Prosperpina
  S Truth Unveiled by Time
Santa Maria della Vittoria S Cornaro Chapel - Ecstacy of St. Theresa
V. Quattro Fontane at V. XX Settembre F Quattro Fontane (one on each of the corners)
Palazzo Barberini A  
Santa Prassede S Tomb of Bishop Giovan Battista Santoni
Santa Bibiana A Facade only
  S Santa Bibiana (above the high altar)