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Trail: Book40 sunset 7 2009-08-26 HeadBottle2 DevilsDaughter


Quoth SongBook

I must be
One of the devil’s daughters
People look at me with scorn
I’ll never hear their horn
It’s like being in chains
Sometimes I hang my head
In shame
When people see me
They scandalize my name
I’m going down
To the devil’s daughter
I’m gonna drown
In that troubled water
It’s coming round my soul
It’s way beyond control
I must be one
I must be one
I must be
One of the devil’s daughters
They look at me with scorn
I’ll never hear their horn
Sometimes it’s like
Being in chains
Sometimes I hang my head
In shame
When people see me
They scandalize my name
I’m going down
To the devil’s daughter
I’m gonna drown
In that troubled water
It’s coming round my soul
It’s way beyond control
I must be one
I must be one
I must be