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Trail: MakeClothes

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.



Step 1: Set up MakeClothes
Open Blender
Press N then select MakeClothes
Select body Type
Press Load Human Mesh (which is automatically given the name Human)
(don’t alter pivot point or small square at bottom of mesh)
Step 2: Prep your material
Go to Edit mode
Go to Material Properties Window
Select the material for any body or clothing part that is getting in the way of your modeling
Press S to scale down that part
Deselect that material
Step 3: Create your clothing mesh
Select the material for the part that you want to use to create an article of clothing
Press SHIFT+D to create a duplicate part (which is automatically given the name Human.001)
Right Click to set in in place
Press P then separate by selection
Go to Object mode
Select Human then move it to a different layer
Select Human.001
In N / Item rename it to identify it as a piece of clothing (for the purposes of this tutorial we’ll call it “New Shirt”)
In N / MakeClothes change the Mesh Type to Clothing
Step 4: Create your mannequin
Select Human
Go to Edit mode
Go to Material Properties Window
Select the Body material
Press SHIFT+D to create a duplicate body (which is automatically given the name Human.001)
Right Click to set in in place
Press P then separate by selection
Move it to a new layer
In N / Item rename it as “Mannequin”
Select both New Shirt and Mannequin layers
Step 5: Model your clothing
Select New Shirt
Go to Edit mode (if not there already)
Model the clothing until it looks the way you want it to (and delete or fix any non-quad faces, because MakeClothes only uses quads)
Go to Material Properties Window
Create new material slot and new material and name is New Shirt
Assign New Shirt mesh to New Shirt material
Delete all other material slots (for the New Shirt mesh only; leave meshes for other meshes intact)
Step 6: Unwrap your clothing
Select various edges of the model, such as down the middle of the back or along the top of the arms to the neck, to create seams
Select Mesh / Edges / Mark Seam
Go to Object Data / UV Maps
Create new window for UV Image Editor
Press U / Unwrap
Press UVs / Export UV Layout to save it as an image (in case want to work on it in GIMP etc.)
Step 7: Create vertex groups
Go to Object Mode
Select New Shirt
Go to Object Data / Vertex Groups
In N / MakeClothes, press Create Vertex Groups (the Delete vertex group will then disappear)
Step 8: Generate your new piece of clothing
Go into Object Mode (if not there already)
Select Mannequin then delete it (because it’s no longer needed for this article of clothing)
Select Human
SHIFT + select New Shirt
In N / MakeClothes, press Make Clothes
Wait. Grab some coffee. Go for a walk. Make love. Swim in the sea.
When complete, an “OK” dialogue box will appear.
(Any error or warning messages may or may not mean anything, so try out your new clothing anyway.)