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Trail: Techne Paris


ProofOfMyExistence OutsideSomeplace

Next time

Stayed there the entire month of December 2013. Attending StudioEscalier for drawing workshop and every possible moment in TheLouvre.

Exposition Monet 2010
22 sept - 24 jan 2011

The Spectacular Art of Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1904)
19 October 2010 - 23 January 2011

Musée de l’Orangerie has panoramic Monet waterlillies “Nympéas”

Vanitas exhibition! until June 28!

From Ashes, Reviving a Place of Wild Dreams
Published: November 14, 2008
PARIS — When a fire ripped through Deyrolle, the beloved taxidermy establishment here, early one morning last February, it was as if a dagger had been plunged into the heart of Paris.
Deyrolle has always been more than a shop on the classy Rue du Bac. Founded 177 years ago by Jean-Baptiste Deyrolle, a well-known entomologist, Deyrolle has been a natural history emporium with the look and feel of a museum, except that just about everything was for sale.


The young fashion crowd, many of whom will be in Paris for the spring/summer Ready-to-Wear shows being held through Oct. 5, loves the 20-room Hôtel Amour (8, rue Navarin; Ninth Arrondisement; 33-1-4878-3180.) Each room is uniquely decorated on the theme of love by a different artist (e.g., Marc Newsom, Sophie Calle); the hotel’s brasserie is open late and has a garden. Doubles from 140 euros, around $200 at $1.46 to the euro.

The phrase “design hotel” finds its most literal embodiment at Hôtel du Petit Moulin (29-31 rue du Poitou; Third; 33-1-4274-1010;, conceived by Christian Lacroix. He has had a field day in each of the hotel’s 17 rooms, with a pastiche of styles ranging from Baroque to pop. Rates are 190 to 350 euros. Breakfast, 15 euros.

Pavillon de la Reine is a 54-room hotel in the Marais (28, place des Vosges; Third; 33-1-4029-1919; Rooms start at 370 euros.


Crazy Horse Paris, 12, avenue George V; Eighth; 33-1-4723-3232;; The show, including a half bottle of Champagne, or two drinks, starts at 70 euros a person.

Bal du Moulin Rouge, 82, boulevard de Clichy; 18th, 33-1-5309-8282; The show begins at 9 p.m. and costs 99 euros, including a half-bottle of Champagne. An 11 p.m. show costs 89 euros.

La Grande Mosquée de Paris, 2 bis, place du Puits de l’Ermite; Fifth; 33-1-4535-9733; tea room: 33-1-4331-1814;

Grande Galerie de l’Evolution, 36, rue Geoffroy Saint Hilaire; Fifth; 33-1-4079-5479 or 33-1-4079-5601

Galeries de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie Comparée, 2, rue Bouffon; Fifth; 33-1-4079-5479; Admission is 8 euros.

Le Jules Verne, Eiffel Tower, second platform, Avenue Gustave Eiffel; Seventh; 33-1-4555-6144; Prix-fixe dinner 190 euros.

Casa Olympe, 48, rue St-Georges; Ninth; 33-1-4285-2601

Angélina, 226, rue de Rivoli; First; 33-1-4260-8200.

Hermès, 24, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré; Eighth; 33-1-4017-4717;

Jean-Paul Gaultier boutique, 6, rue Vivienne; Second; 33-1-4286-0505;

La Pagode cinema, 57, bis rue de Babylone; Seventh, 33-1-4555-4848.

Théâtre du Châtelet, 1, place du Châtelet; First; 33-1-4028-2840; wwwchatelet-theatrecom.

Musée Grévin, 10, boulevard Montmartre; Ninth; 33-1-4770-8505; 19.50 euros.

Le Grand Rex cinema, 1, boulevard Poissonnière; Second; 33-1-4236-8393;

Marché aux Puces de Clignancourt; Avenue de la Porte de Clignancourt; 18th. Located in the north of Paris, this is most easily reached by cab. Make sure to visit the Paul-Bert and the Serpette markets.

On 20060726 went again with Michael and LauraSmith (our animator and now good friend) who is visiting europe for her summer vacation. says shes been to paris only once and years ago. it was a hot day... much too hot weather. we got a bit lost but eventually got close enough to the Rodin muceus to park and get out and walk the rest of the way there. We also saw many treasures at the Museé D’orsay. my first time seeing a Bougereau and knowing what it is, also a simple work by Alda-Tadema, a couple by Zorn and i was amazed to see SummaryJudgmentUnderTheMoorishKingsOfGrenada by Regnault.. looked nothing like i expected from the jpgs ;)the paintstrokes much looser. the blood flowing down the steps was almost pollock-like in its splattery execution. we also noticed that the guy seems to have cut off the head of his twin.
at the Rodin museum i couldn’t help but feel that i can see through all his tricks. his bodies always connecting, barely escaping the rock. a man controlled by his epiphany, his contempt for women and his own passion. self pitty sometimes. i loved seeing all his work. he must have been in a torture, i think.

see also: SketchBook:Book32

went there with my mother to the Louvre for the first time. seeing the Venus deMilo and the Mona Lisa with my mother was another fulfillment of a LifelongDream.

La Louvre

after i came back from Seattle. Michael and I met in Paris. stayed in a small hotel. it was my first time there. we didn’t leave the hotel much.