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Trail: Quest3D

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.




add trees to Forest Interface


The Button

this is where the rollover for the buttons are.

Adding Powers

  1. import object
  2. open both folders
  3. rename the Motion to Matrix and the “body” to Material
  4. right click on both Matrix and Material and change them to “Parameter Channel”
  5. This should be either saved as an Asset unto itself of combined into another asset group.

Channelgroups to replace the pond land


Graveyard Editor

This is just for placement.

Collision Objects

Collision objects are 1 meter underground and 3 meters tall.
In the case of the Ruin:

For the Trees

Nature Painter


Nature Painter channels are easy to set up. They take an Object Data and a Collision Object as children.
Nature Painter channels are easy to set up. They take an Object Data and a Collision Object as children.

It was alot simpler than I thought to understand this. Basically just import the Objects as normal.

The trick is to paint the trunks first and then copy/paste that NP channel and connect the Object Data from the leaves. This ensures that when you use random to paint on the ground all the matrices are in the same place. Just remember that if you make changes/add more trunks that you need to re-copy/paste/hook-up the trunk’s NP channel.

Ground Multi-Texture

Apply different tiles to various parts of the ground but beware, each time you copy the Surface it doubles the polycount!
Apply different tiles to various parts of the ground but beware, each time you copy the Surface it doubles the polycount!

  1. Copy the ground Surface and its children together with it (SHIFT+click copy/paste)
  2. Make sure to label the Surfaces or you won’t be able to tell the differences in Object view
  3. copy one texture channel for loading the alphamap (alphas must be .jpg format) in the texture channel Load a blank white .png and then Load Alpha the .jpg
  4. Object View: inside the ground Object will be two Surfaces. Leave the one with the main tile alone. For the alphamapped Surface add a 2nd Texture Stage under “Mapping” choose “UV Set 1” there will be a pop-up... Let it generate a new UV map with Planar Y mapping. Then use the settings in the screenshot. It should work.

Importing (obsoleted method)

This is what it should look like.
This is what it should look like.

  1. turn the motion into a parameter channel
  2. Open each folder that hangs off of the DX8 3D Object (body)
  3. turn the first DX8 Material into a parameter channel and remove all the other materials.
    (the materials are the longest ones with all the little chupkins at thhe bottom)
  4. select the Tile you want to replace (from the Tiles folder) open it in another window
  5. connect the object to the caller of any tile group that is in the game. (it turns blue)
  6. you are replacing the Object so...
  7. reconnect the children.

TestLoader.cgr -→ replace the tiles in the main data folder

for the lighting
make sure you have removed all the materials except the first one. it becomes a peramenter channel which adds another chupkun to ‘body’ attach the material.

select everything in the channel group!!
in Object/Texture
in Color blending AND in Alpha Blending
Surface -→ Advanced -→ Reject Alpha Pixels