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Trail: Rockefeller2007

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.



these are notes. theres work to be done. mhm.


  1. Proposed Project
    1. Title (required)
    2. Applicant's Role in Production (required)
    3. Production Format
    4. Proposed Running Time
    5. Brief Project Description{{The Brief Project Description gives an overview of your proposed project and is used as a quick reference by the panelists and staff. Provide a concise description of the proposed project.}} (required, max 500 words)
    6. Project Narrative{{For the Project Narrative, describe your planned project or work-in-progress. The project may be at any stage, from the germ of an idea to nearing post-production.}} (max 1500 words)
      1. Research Project
  2. Artist Statement{{Describe how you see yourself as an artist. In order to describe your "vision," you may want to address your formal concerns, thematic/content fascinations and creative process/working method. The panel wants to know why you do what you do and how you do it.}}
    1. Aritst Statement (max 1500 words)
  3. Proposed Budget{{For the purposes of the Fellowships Program, you must submit a proposed budget that exactly totals $35,000, even if your project's full budget exceeds this amount. This submitted budget describes how you plan on applying only the money that you would receive through the Fellowship.}}
    1. Proposed Budget (max 750 words, leave blank if uploading file)
  4. Resume{{The panel will be interested in learning more about your background, work and related activities, so we ask that you provide a resume with your relevant professional accomplishments. Resumes should provide enough background information to convince a panel that you can indeed do the work you're proposing. We strongly suggest that you include information about your completed works, including any festivals, exhibitions or events in which they were included, as well as any awards, grants or honors you have received for your work.}}
    1. Upload Resume (4 pages)
  5. Sample Works{{The Sample Work Forms correspond to the sample work materials that you will send by mail to Renew Media. If possible, these examples should relate to the proposed work and/or provide a clear idea of your trajectory as an artist. The sample(s) may be selected from completed works and/or works-in-progress. All nominees can submit sample work materials with a COMBINED viewing time of 15 minutes. Regardless of how many sample works you submit, the Panel will view no more than 15 minutes IN TOTAL. You must complete a Sample Work Form for each sample work submitted.}}
  6. Supplemental Materials{{Artists may submit additional or supplemental information or materials with their proposal that they feel might clarify the proposal, such as a complete project budget or press materials. Such written materials are made available to the panelists during the panel deliberations.}}

Proposed Project

Title (required)

Character Studies: Femmes Fatales (working title)

Applicant’s Role in Production (required)

Art Direction, Conceptual Design, Creation of all 3D assets, Visual effects programming

Production Format

Interactive Software, Realtime 3D

Proposed Running Time


Brief Project Description1 (required, max 500 words)

Character Studies: Femmes Fatales is a series of realtime 3d compositions borrowing from the traditions of painting and video games. The subjects of these animated portraits are women from Greek and Hebrew mythology given a contemporary presentation. The goals of the project are to explore the possibilities of using games technology for making interactive art outside of the gaming context, to parallel and contrast what is considered beautiful in both art and games, and to question the violent content of popular action games through re-tellings of traditional stories of cultural significance which also contain violence. The result will be a playable mini game with no goals, a narrative without words, featuring women without fear.

Project Narrative2 (max 1500 words)

Research Project

Creating a 3d world is a lot of work. I have been creating worlds with my partner for over 5 years. The technology changes constantly, improvements in technology can be used to heighten realism. My main area of exploration is always in the realm of visual effects. To create something visually amazing and meaningful.

Not sure which woman/women I will choose but most likely it will be in a series of 3. Possibly each a separate portrait or maybe a group of 3.

Portraits of mythical women
Lamia, Medusa, Lilith
woman with/as snakes. lovers of Zeus (Adam) who were punished by turning them from beautiful women into monsters. Victims of jealousy.

Salome, Judith, Yael(, Delilah (hair))

Medea, Claetemnestra, Eve
misunderstood prophets--
Cassandra, Delphic Oracle

Moirae(fates), Erinyes(furies), Graeae(gray ones)

Siren, Sphinx, Harpy

pathetic women--
Ophelia, Persephone, Daphne

To connect game art with more traditional art. To push the boundaries of what a game “should” be. To show powerful women who reached a point of no return. To take death and killing seriously. Frustration with action game killing. A response. The acts of violence not shown or acted out by the player but rather seen in its aftermath or the woman in contemplation of the deed. Much like in painting.

Artist Statement3

Aritst Statement (max 1500 words)

Annoyance with games being always about the same thing. Frustration with violence. Fighting for the presence of art in video games. Trying to offer alternatives in the commercial sphere and not stay in the “art ghetto” providing artistic experiences for the wider game culture. The endless debate around “are games art” You will have art when artists are using the technology and making games with a vision not based on consumerism and prurient escapism.
Original stories created through retelling. As all stories are retold and re-interpreted for new generations. A duty to keep the lessons in the stories alive.

Proposed Budget4

Proposed Budget (max 750 words, leave blank if uploading file)


Upload Resume (4 pages)

Sample Works6

Supplemental Materials7


1. The Brief Project Description gives an overview of your proposed project and is used as a quick reference by the panelists and staff. Provide a concise description of the proposed project.
2. For the Project Narrative, describe your planned project or work-in-progress. The project may be at any stage, from the germ of an idea to nearing post-production.
3. Describe how you see yourself as an artist. In order to describe your “vision,” you may want to address your formal concerns, thematic/content fascinations and creative process/working method. The panel wants to know why you do what you do and how you do it.
4. For the purposes of the Fellowships Program, you must submit a proposed budget that exactly totals $35,000, even if your project’s full budget exceeds this amount. This submitted budget describes how you plan on applying only the money that you would receive through the Fellowship.
5. The panel will be interested in learning more about your background, work and related activities, so we ask that you provide a resume with your relevant professional accomplishments. Resumes should provide enough background information to convince a panel that you can indeed do the work you’re proposing. We strongly suggest that you include information about your completed works, including any festivals, exhibitions or events in which they were included, as well as any awards, grants or honors you have received for your work.
6. The Sample Work Forms correspond to the sample work materials that you will send by mail to Renew Media. If possible, these examples should relate to the proposed work and/or provide a clear idea of your trajectory as an artist. The sample(s) may be selected from completed works and/or works-in-progress. All nominees can submit sample work materials with a COMBINED viewing time of 15 minutes. Regardless of how many sample works you submit, the Panel will view no more than 15 minutes IN TOTAL. You must complete a Sample Work Form for each sample work submitted.
7. Artists may submit additional or supplemental information or materials with their proposal that they feel might clarify the proposal, such as a complete project budget or press materials. Such written materials are made available to the panelists during the panel deliberations.