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Botany TuinPlanten

Gog:Saxifraga Umbrosa
Apparently you can grow this among rocks(?)
early spring 2006: it seems to be spreading to other pots. I see little leaves coming up in the pot next to it anyway. A strong plant. I think it will do fine this year.

An evergreen rosette former with spoon-shaped, waxy-edged leaves. Foot tall airy spikes of starry white flowers with red speckling.
June to August. bloom   12 in. x 12 iln.
White flowers
Shade, Part Shade
DESCRIPTION: Saxifraga is a large group of hardy perennial plants. Only a few are annuals or biennials. They are mostly natives of North and South Temperate and Arctic regions. A few are found in Asia and they are rare in South America. The name is an old Latin name derived from saxum, a rock and frangor, to break; the plant was thought to break stones in the bladder. Rockfoil is a common name given to Saxifrages. The Saxifrages are a varied group of plants and botanists have divided them into a number of sections. The Kabschia, the Engleria and the Porphyrion sections are the earliest kinds; they bloom in January and February. The others are Dactyloides, Euaizoonia, Diptera, Trachyphyllum, Hirculus and Cymbalaria. These plants are mostly used in the rock garden but one, S. sarmentosa, is often grown in greenhouses and homes. They have pretty flowers and handsome foliage and a long flowering period. The Silver Saxifrages (section Euaizoonia) grow best among rocks or in the dry wall. They have silver rosettes of foliage and sprays of white, yellow, or pink flowers. Kabschia Saxifrages should be grown in an open area, which preferably slopes toward the west or northwest rather than south. A few of these kinds do best if they’re planted in a deep, narrow crevice in a rock. This group is also great for growing in pots and pans in an alpine house. They flower in early spring and their beautiful, dainty flowers form perfectly under glass.