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Trail: Book47 10 flowers



The Language of Flowers.

Flowers may be combined and arranged so as to express even
the nicest shades of sentiment.
If a flower is offered “reversed”, its direct
signification is likewise reversed, so that the flower now
means the opposite.
A rosebud divested of its thorns, but retaining its
leaves, convays the sentiment, “I fear no longer; I hope.”
Stripped of leaves and thorns, it signifies, “There is
nothing to hope or fear.”
A full-blown rose placed over two buds, signifies
“Yes,” is implied by touching the flower given to the
lips; “No,” by pinching off a petal and casting it away.
“I am,” is expressed by a laurel leaf twined around the
bouquet; “I have,” by an ivy leaf folded together; “I
offer you,” by a leaf of Virginia creeper.

Moss Rosebud and Myrtle.
A confession of love.

242 . 055 . blumensprache o\

Blumensprache -

        Early in the 19th century it was not unusual to express difficult messages by means
        of flower arrangements. A playful flower-symbology had first emerged toward the end
        of the 18th century, and it was revived a century later.
        Following are examples of this overwrought kode which modern readers 
        may find more amusant than ingenious. [for varianta b may access above url]
        varianta a:
apricot branch: angel of your sex, i worship you!
carnation: my bosom thrills in the rapture of longing.
crown imperial: most adorable of your sex, goddess, i worship you!
elder-blossom: you are becoming colder and colder.
elm-leaf: our love must remain a secret.
forget-me-not: give heed to what this little flower whispers!
grapevine: move closer, and remain true to me.
kale: explain yourself more clearly, if i am to understand you.
lavender: your speech is puzzling.
lilac: let us hurry to the altar, before our youth has passed!
moss: your obstinacy drives me to despair!
narcissus (white): frightful! would you destroy me completely?
onion: you are repugnant to me
peppermint: why make so much fuss over trifles?
poppy: as you are in bloom, let me rest on your bosom.
snowdrop: purity of heart shines forth in your gaze.
tobacco-flowers: you awaken feelings that slumber sweetly within me.
        The use of language is an evolutionary triumph that has made civilization possible,
        but the growth and use of language for communication by representations requires
        the prior preparation and shaping of brains by specific neurochemical mechanisms.
        Given the variable meanings that the same 'flower' can carry, 
        it may be desirable that both partners utilize the same kode.
        varianta b:
acacia (white): your good heart assures me that our friendship will last.
agave: i remain favorably disposed to you despite your knavery.
amaryllis (red): i respect you from the depths of my soul.
apple-blossom: will the glow of love finally redden your delicate cheeks?
asphodel: i expect letters numerous and heartfelt.
aster (white): your true friendship lessens the torment of my misfortune.
bindweed: no gaze in the world is so keen, so deep, as the hawk’s eye of love.
bur: be assured of my sympathetic attachment and sincerest wish to be of aid.
carnation (red): you will be able to resist no longer, once you see the extent of my esteem and love
carnation (white): you are the symbol of the closest friendship, for your color remains unchanged until death strips away your petals.
; centaury; it is bitter like the truth once told, but just as healing.
cherry-blossom: my blush at your arrival may reveal to you the quiet fondness that i have for you.
chive-blossom: i shall follow your sincere good advice.
clover (four-leaf): fortune smiles upon me only when i can share it with you.
corn-cockle: i live for you alone.
; cotton-blossom; the blossoms of our union are yet tender; thus do i tend them with careful love.
cowslip, or “keys of heaven”: the key to my heaven lies in your angelic heart.
; cuckoopint; though life assails you, despair not. the knowledge that you are good and pure will exalt you.
cyclamen: with purest inclination i respect you above all else.
dahlia: my heart is eternally with you; the heart is a thing of the homeland, not of the body.
dead-nettle: your promises of love leave me cold; your promising and gallantry ring hollow.
field-clover: let me know when i can see you again.
forest rose: one who is born for quiet happiness, finds contentment only in obscurity.
forget-me-not: three words reveal the wish to meet again: forget me not.
garlic-blossom: what i feel for you is the utmost indifference.
grain (an ear of): what you ask, only time can bestow.
guelder-rose: however unfeeling you pretend to be, cupid’s arrow one day yet will reach you.
hazelnut-blossom: fear not: innocent love is under god’s protection.
hyacinth (white): my heart draws me to you, pale dreamer.
iris: you fill my heart with joyful hope, only then to plunge it into doubt.
iris (blue): your feigned emotions scatter, and no trace of them remains.
laurel-leaf: the victor’s wreath befits you not, but the modest wreath of virtue.
lavender: the memory of you is my only quiet joy.
lilac: in your every look and word speaks the beauty of your soul.
lily (white): you are as innocent as this symbol of innocence.
linden-blossom: sensual love vanishes like the night-dew; love from the soul abides like the golden star of day.
lupine: in you i found heavenly charms and splendrous blossoms of the spirit combined with those of the heart.
marigold: as eternal as the golden ring of this flower, is the purity of my love.
meadow saffron: my heart is kindled by love for you, and i gladly follow the divine emotion.
mignonette: like this flower, quietly fragrant, without pomp of color, you have pleasing talents without outward show.
mimosa: the great and beautiful soul that you contain is grounded in your noble, serious pride.
mullein (yellow): take courage. fortune yet will bloom for you.
myrtle-shoot: it is ever green, for the wreaths that true love weaves never wilt.
narcissus (yellow): your being, flirtatious, enraptured, is like this beautiful flower, which arises proudly, only to sink its head in yearning.
nasturtium: how shall i suffer, when the prospect of seeing you no longer fills my spirit with joyful hope.
oak leaves: the crown of mortality and virtue.
oleander: in you jealousy and pomp reign, for nature gave you not a warm, feeling heart but only outer beauty.
onion-flower: you can win my love if you show me the tender respect that a gentleman must feel for a feminine creature.
passionflower: your bitter pain will be transfigured in the after life by the crown of eternal bliss.
peony: your pride is unbearable.
peppermint: of false hearts, like yours, i can find a surfeit.
poppy: your sleepy, phlegmatic temperament will let no more meaningful emotions emerge from your heart.
rose (red): this is the pledge of love and fidelity.
rose (yellow): the color of this flower reminds me of the jealous gaze of your eye.
rose (white): its pale petals signify to you the love eternal and pure, for it lacks all earthly glow.
rose-petal (red): yes!!!
rose-petal (white): no!!!
rosebud (with thorns): love, hopeful, with the doubts of uncertainty.
rushes: add this basket to the one you have already received.
snapdragon: your wanton mischief will be avenged upon you bitterly.
snowdrop: be glad of the present and future, and grant the memory of melancholy past no place in your heart.
sorrel-blossom: i do not like knowing that you are always following me.
spurge: your nature is so cold that one might think your heart made of stone.
sunflower: it turns ever toward the sun. as sunlight is to it, so is your love to my life.
thistles: the poetry of life sweeps over you, leaving no trace.
thyme: unity of souls is the greatest good.
tulip: you silent thing of splendor! where is your inner value?
turk’s cap: will your stirring, roguish, glances do much more mischief?
vetch-flowers: to be envied are all to whom heaven gives pure ‘loving friendship’
vine-leaves: with your recurring merriment you can restore my high spirits.
weeping willow: my heart trembles with the memory of your vanished presence.
willow: true friendship presents its arm to us, that we might take it as we walk, and bear life’s burden.
yarrow: are you in fact as unaware as you would seem?


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Netochka Nezvanova

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