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Trail: UArtsy SonicYouth



see also: SongBook
My favorite band.

aren't they pretty

Why is this. I first heard them in 1993, my first boyfriend passed them on to me 1 I had never heard anything like it. I only wish I had heard them sooner. My only memory of them in indianapolis was at a party at MikeMikuta’s house and he played Daydream Nation. But by then I had already gone to nyc and was just visiting. it is one of the few things that makes me remember AaronCantor fondly. Something he gave to me... opening a world up for me, to overstate it, just a bit.

I saw them live for the first time in Cincinatti Ohio, with Aaron. It was a great show, a small venue. I missed seeing their show in nyc once. I also saw a small acoustic gig of theirs in gent at the vooriuit.
I love them because they have been original, never lost what they had. that and the SwirlingGuitaur + Kim and Lee’s voices.


1. lost my virginity to sonic youth’s first ablum on one side of the tape, meddle on the other side