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Trail: TheInventionOfTheArtOfDrawing LaVitaNova-5 moon



see also:time

JanuaryWolf Moon
FebruarySnow Moon
MarchWorm Moon
AprilPink Moon
MayFlower Moon
JuneStrawberry Moon
JulyBuck Moon
AugustSturgeon Moon
SeptemberHarvest Moon
OctoberHunter’s Moon
NovemberBeaver Moon
DecemberCold Moon

Mars2Phobos, Deimos
Jupiter62Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Amalthea, Himalia, Elara, Pasiphae, Sinope, Lysithea, Carme, Ananke, Leda, Metis, Adrastea, Thebe, Callirrhoe, Themisto, Kalyke, Iocaste, Erinome, Harpalyke, Isonoe, Praxidike, Megaclite, Taygete, Chaldene, Autonoe, Thyone, Hermippe, Eurydome, Sponde, Pasithee, Euanthe, Kale, Orthosie, Euporie, Aitne, plus others yet to receive names
Saturn33Titan, Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus, Mimas, Hyperion, Prometheus, Pandora, Phoebe, Janus, Epimetheus, Helene, Telesto, Calypso, Atlas, Pan, Ymir, Paaliaq, Siarnaq, Tarvos, Kiviuq, Ijiraq, Thrym, Skadi, Mundilfari, Erriapo, Albiorix, Suttung, Methone, Pallene, Polydeuces1, plus others yet to receive names
Uranus27Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca, Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind, Belinda, Puck, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Caliban, Sycorax, Prospero, Setebos, Stephano, Trinculo, plus others yet to receive names
Neptune13Triton, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, plus others yet to receive names


1. [Polydeuces]is an example of a so-called Trojan moon - it is twinned with a larger satellite in orbit around the planet. Saturn is the only planet known to have Trojan moons. They are found near stable “Lagrange points” - places where the gravitational pull of the planet and the larger satellite become balanced. The Trojans are situated 60 degrees ahead or behind the larger moon in its orbit (in the case of Polydeuces, the larger moon is Dione).