http://womanonfire.livejournal.com/633234.html i thought i would never write here again but, here goes. . . . since i spent so long locked indoors after my operation now we are going out alot. to dance and music . . .
4K - last updated 2012-06-05 13:49 by Auriea
2006-05-08 one last thing
3am normally i would be going to bed about now but instead i'm waking up and getting on a plane. so just . . . my ribcage to NN no wait that was before my operation. but it still holds true. anyway, my mother, . . .
2K - last updated 2006-05-08 03:16 by Auriea
[[Tempest]] ==== All you Ever Wanted to Know About TEMPEST ==== from http://library.psyon.org/tempest.txt . . . would not be likely to risk a TEMPEST collection operation in an environment not under their control. . . . surveillance antenna was developed that was operationally equivalent or better than systems that . . .
44K - last updated 2008-05-02 21:50 by Auriea
==Serving Images== In the case of the Standalone Demo, operation is fairly simple. Images are numbered . . .
2K - last updated 2016-11-07 18:10 by Auriea
ElegantMedia [[image:CyberMapLandmarks]] ''lifted from: https://web.archive.org/web/19970207225527/http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be:80/CYBSPACE.html'' . . . objects in the real world (telepresence or teleoperation). As a first example of the control possibilities . . .
5K - last updated 2020-01-03 00:31 by Au-Elektra
[[Writing]] DrawingDancing [[background:DancingDrawing-image2|repeat #00FF00 scroll top]] '''A report . . . perhaps less interesting than a more direct cooperation. Yves Klein was summoned. http://www.artitude.eu/immagini/pillole-di-arte/antropometrie-1509102153570.jpg . . .
13K - last updated 2017-02-12 14:58 by Auriea
CastOfThousands ''see also: SongBook'' Electroacoustic pioneer. devoted his entire career to it. was . . . adventure. Armed with a scalpel and a splicing (operational) block, I sampled several morphological . . .
1K - last updated 2007-08-31 13:59 by Auriea
[[MOO]] telnet://lambda.moo.mud.org:8888 <pre> Store | West Bank---LambdaSt.---Street... | | Landing . . . remove the ability to perform sophisticated operations on the output that is sent to you. For example, . . .
4K - last updated 2019-10-21 19:32 by Auriea.
http://camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/english/cohar/programs He who copies this are the heights. . . . the noun was a crash between that nerve and an operation at the standard of carbon. What were these . . .
4K - last updated 2004-08-16 20:06 by wof
ElegantMedia * http://www.cbihateperfume.com/ ** '''Winter 1972''' - A field of untouched new fallen . . . out of 'Jurassic Park', but the dynamics of the operation are relatively simple, " he says. "Our team . . .
8K - last updated 2009-09-04 14:33 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] The Nine Billion Names of God By Arthur Clarke "This is a slightly unusual request," said Dr. . . . computer can carry out any routine mathematical operation involving up to ten digits. However, for . . .
15K - last updated 2007-12-21 14:58 by Auriea
ElegantMedia ''"Ex-voto is a spanish word meaning votive offering. In Mexico, an exvoto is most commonly . . . is health, with many exvotos dedicated after operations. Survival of accidents is a close second. . . .
2K - last updated 2007-08-15 22:15 by Auriea
[[Reference]] [[image:404]] <center>[[33]]</center> http://www.geocities.com/rmlyra/Numbers.html . . . can be made using 5 digits and the 4 arithmetic operations. 6560 is the smallest number n where n and . . .
74K - last updated 2014-05-30 12:49 by Auriea
ProofOfMyExistence operating rooms look just like normal rooms. i was surprised by this. just an ordinary . . .
2K - last updated 2010-05-07 14:16 by Auriea
ProofOfMyExistence ''from the first operation'' [[thumb:abdomen_stapled_2002.jpg]] operation on for vleesbomen . . . answer is not a simple one. ''from the second operation'' [[thumb:abdomen_stapled_2004.jpg]] meh. . . .
1K - last updated 2007-12-30 00:03 by Auriea