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Trail: Book44 chapter3chapter4 HonorineJobert


Botany TuinPlanten

Gog:Honorine Jobert
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’
Kemper Code:  B340
Common Name: Japanese anemone
Zone: 4 to 8
Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Ranunculaceae
Height: 3 to 4 feet
Spread: 1.5 to 2 feet
Bloom Time: August - September
Bloom Color: White with yellow stamens
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium moisture
Maintenance: Low

General Culture: Easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Best in part shade with protection from wind. Foliage tends to burn in hot, dry, sunny summer conditions. Prefers consistently moist, humusy soils with good drainage. Soils must not be allowed to dry out. Avoid wet, poorly drained soils, however, particularly in winter. May be slow to establish, but naturalizes well in optimum growing conditions.
Noteworthy Characteristics: ‘Honorine Jobert’ is a vigorous, fibrous-rooted, mounding, compact Japanese anemone hybrid cultivar which typically grows to 3-4’ tall and spreads by creeping rhizomes. Single flowers (2-3” diameter) with 6-9 overlapping white petaloid sepals and yellow center stamens appear on long, wiry-but-graceful, branching stems over an attractive foliage mound of trifoliate dark green leaves. Lengthy August to September bloom period. Japanese anemone cultivars are commonly sold as Anemone x hybrida or Anemone japonica. ‘Honorine Jobert’ is an old garden hybrid discovered in Verdun, France in 1858.
Someone on LiveJournal wrote: 2. Anemone ‘hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ Despite the fact that contrary to nomenclature, this so-called Japanese anemone hybrid was accidentally discovered in Verdun, France, in 1858, ‘Honorine Jobert’ is a star of the fall garden. Fairly easily grown, ‘Honorine Jobert’ thrives in consistently moist, semishady spots. (In another apparent contradiction, this anemone requires consistent moisture plus a well-drained soil .You have to piss on it every day or it dies.– standing water will cause the roots to rot.) Although often painfully slow to establish, ‘Honorine Jobert’ will reward your wait by eventually growing three to four feet tall and covering itself with attractive dark-green leaves and white single flowers excellent for cutting. (Zone 4)