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Trail: symptom Bernini-Proserpina NET.ARCHEOLOGY


I was online from the “beginning” and first made a reputation as a web designer/net artist in 1996. My site was called (its still there, sort of.) I had the nebulous honour of winning the first two Webby awards for net Internet Art, beating out larger contenders, ha.

I was part of the (legendary?) net art collective with jodi,, etc. and there is where I met Michael who was going by Zuper! at the time. And he was part of ada.web… I’m wondering if you know history, but yeah, it was a big deal at the time.
Right before I left for Europe, in 1998, I got the commission from Walker Art Center to make a project for their online project Gallery9 It’s still there, but it does not work, it ran on flash, cgi scripts and an idea about the Internet that doesn’t exist anymore.

Michael and I used in 1999 to create what was perhaps the first net art pay-per-view work called skinonskinonskin
and people did pay to see it.
Recently that artwork was resurrected, in emulation, by for their Net Art Anthology
skinonskinonskin is featured in the catalog and was shown at the New Museum in “The Art Happens Here: Net Art’s Archival Poetics” the physical manifestation of the Anthology.

We were awarded a huge prize by the SFMOMA in 2000
and the acceptance speech is worth your time:
yes, that’s Bill Viola we are embarrassing, one of my proudest moments.
We also made a much lauded online performance called Wirefire. Again, not viewable anymore.
The project’s CV included the Brooklyn academy of Music and many European art festivals.

And the last thing I’ll mention, all of that lead to us being a part of a, long forgotten but very important and interesting at the time, exhibition at SFMOMA called 010101: Art in technological times.
For which we were comissioned by the museum to make Eden.Garden. The project itself, like the site for the show, is completely unviewable now.
It was a web browser, a parser, which creates from each webpage, a paradise. That pretty much sums up how I felt abut the web at the time.
But that time ended, and we moved on to the Videogames. We wanted to make Interactive art and saw video games as a way forward. We saw art galleries and museums as a dead end for interactive work, whereas games made for computers, played on consoles, and everywhere else, played by large numbers of people, were just starting to come alive as a medium for artists.
