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Trail: Rockefeller2006

Michael sends Auriea breath.html beginning skinonskinonskin 26 years ago today.


Projects ToDo

Nominee Chat Session Transcript
Since it is only me personally who may ask for this Fellowship, it goes to me as an individual, it will probably be best if I apply in a personal manner. Write about my art history, the work from my point of view. Perhaps they will respond better to this approach than the more collective view as done int the past or the rather clueless and naive way I went about my very first proposal.

But this is very problematic because of the very collaborative nature of these projects. It was not at all made by any individual but by all working together. there is nothing I can point to and say, yeah, i made this

That said, I have:

Sample Work

8 --- this will best help them understand what we do. I wonder if it matters if I present other peoples work among this.... how best to approach it? What did I do on 8.

TEF --- well, there’s the design of the forest itself, input into the design of the deer, interface design.

Notes about The Endless Forest

- keep the technical jargon to a minimum and make it more of a personal narrative.
- separate the project from “art games” by talking about the arts and interaction design.
- separate the project from “video games” by talking about the use of the audience. also, how we are reacting to popular media.

The Mythology of The Endless Forest

no specific narrative is ever “told” but players must learn “the ways of the forest” and also throgh experience they learn about the other beings who live there. It is for the real human players to make up the stories.
that idol, that graveyard. st.hubertus. your ghost.

ArtistStatement Notes

No more than 2 double spaced pages. Describe your vision as an artist, including formal concerns, content concerns and your creative process/working method. Basically, the panel wants to know why you do what you do.

what is it i want to tell them

  1. that i love making computer graphics that can be viewed and enjoyed by others and are interactive/reactive
  2. that art experiences should have a place in people’s everyday lives and games are an example of this
  3. that i believe real-time media are the future of this blend of art and entertainment
  4. that i relate my work with games to Opera, not films.

figure out why i do what i do.
Talk about how crazy i am for making computer graphics... meaning how much i love it and always have, about how even in art school this changed the way i feel as an artist and now more than ever it feels like an important field to be working in. the confluence of media that it takes to make a game is related to how with the beginning of the wed one had to become a “jack of all trades” and only now all of these graphical and algorithm creation skills come into use as a game artist.
*quote Cris Crawford about the importance of the algorithm and where i disagree with him in part about the data being of less importance


SweatWiki:RockefellerFellowship, SweatWiki:RockefellerApplicationNotes