ProofOfMyExistence [[image:Riea-VSOP]] <tt>y must get tripod... just a sec [fakeshop]: telephone . . . life: nice kitten, Lia ! :) signmonger: kind of trust you guys though signmonger: the koala stinking . . .
32K - last updated 2018-09-11 12:03 by Auriea.
To talk little is natural. High winds do not last all morning. Heavy rain does not last all day. Why . . . loss is experienced willingly. He who does not trust enough Will not be trusted. lll . . .
1K - last updated 2005-11-11 12:47 by Auriea
LiveJournal ==ways to backup lj== http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.sourceforge.net/pub/sourceforge/l/lj/ljarchive/ . . . reason. Over the years the guy has earned my trust though. I don't think he would just go off haphazardly. . . .
4K - last updated 2009-01-08 13:49 by Auriea
FataleVrouwen In the language of folktales, abstract ideas are represented by concrete and emotionally . . . Maiden" narratives a girl is mutilated by a trusted family member and then thrust like a wounded . . .
1K - last updated 2008-04-16 19:42 by Auriea
I create sculptures using digital processes and handwork which are either shown as physical artefacts . . . such as the ritual patina of mud and blood encrusted Boli power figures, the traces of pigment left . . .
5K - last updated 2021-02-23 12:21 by Auriea
ArtistStatement old
[[About]] An engagement with images of things/people/stories which don’t exist but are believed to . . . preconceptions, propaganda, popular opinions, a trusted persons hot takes. So it is also with 3d models. . . .
13K - last updated 2020-05-07 17:23 by Auriea-Mercury
[[autopsy]] From: Ed Uthman <uthman@neosoft.com> Newsgroups: sci.med.pathology,sci.med,sci.answers,news.answers . . . diener's job to "run the gut," but usually a crusty, senior diener can intimidate a young first- . . .
27K - last updated 2007-05-18 12:10 by Auriea
[[Blender]] BPy script repository (sometimes you will get an error message that one or the other of these . . . * http://biorust.com/index.php?page=tutorial_detail&tutid=85 . . .
3K - last updated 2007-02-24 20:00 by Auriea
SketchBooks '''Sermons''' 24 April 1993 - July 1993 handbound with rusted paper, collage, wrapped in . . .
1K - last updated 2018-09-11 15:59 by Au-Artemis
[[Food]] '''Green Garlic Caesar Salad With Anchovy Croutons''' 1/2 cup olive oil 7 anchovy fillets, finely . . . 3 large garlic cloves, finely chopped 3 ounces crusty day-old bread in 3/4-inch cubes (about 2 cups) . . .
2K - last updated 2010-06-14 20:58 by au
[[Reference]] <html><div align=right><font size=-1><font color=000000>(The signatories . . . align=left> paroxysm makes a trust of all <i>artistic</i> cheeses</div><div . . .
6K - last updated 2007-05-22 22:55 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] Libretto: Dido and Aeneas Cast: DIDO or Elissa, Queen of Carthage (Soprano) BELINDA, her sister . . . on apace. SORCERESS But, when they've done, my trusty Elf In form of Mercury himself As sent from Jove, . . .
12K - last updated 2011-02-08 00:10 by Auriea
TuinPlanten Dracaena marginata is een struikachtige plant met slanke, vertakte twijgen, die door de littekens . . . verplaatst te worden. In de winter wordt een rust aanbevolen met een temperatuur rond de 13 °C. . . .
2K - last updated 2008-09-10 00:59 by Auriea
ElegantMedia ''see also: Projects, ElegantMedia, RandomIdeas, Books, Raphael, DancingDrawing, TheLivingLine'' . . . <list "drawing"> [[image:SomethingIDontTrust]] . . .
2K - last updated 2017-08-23 13:18 by Au-Mercury
[[Mythology]] == [::Eve] == [[thumb:Eve-Snake|right]] the first woman. ==TheGraeae== : Mythica:Graeae . . . part of the Trojan treasury to be held in trust for Polydorus. When Polymestor saw the way things . . .
16K - last updated 2013-01-05 20:57 by Auriea
Barry took me for a ride on his motorcycle. I wore the helmet. we rode around the circle. we rode past . . . his ribcage and he seems so thin. i have to trust him completely... this moment. . . .
1K - last updated 2006-08-22 09:26 by Auriea
FiftyBooks ''She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in . . . be dumped where the weed decays, And the rest is rust and stardust. ''from Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov'' . . .
5K - last updated 2005-08-13 10:11 by Auriea
http://camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/english/cohar/programs He who copies this are the heights. . . . but her viper has split. Has she declined? To rust is their meeting. Whom are narratives forgetting? . . .
4K - last updated 2004-08-16 20:06 by wof
SongBook The name of this tune is Mississippi Goddamn And I mean every word of it Alabama's gotten me . . . You're all gonna die and die like flies I don't trust you any more You keep on saying "Go slow!" "Go . . .
3K - last updated 2005-09-04 20:18 by Auriea
Murakami interview1
[[Quoth]] from: http://www.salon.com/books/int/1997/12/cov_si_16int.html BY LAURA MILLER | The heroes . . . for this kind of living style. They don't trust any company. Ten years ago, Mitsubishi or other . . . right now. Young people these days don't trust anything at all. They want to be free. This system, . . . Myself, I'm a very realistic person. I don't trust anything New Age -- or reincarnation, dreams, . . . Tarot, horoscopes. I don't trust anything like that at all. I wake up at 6 in the . . .
20K - last updated 2005-08-09 17:17 by AurieaHarvey
OldManSorrow from http://www.neh.gov/news/humanities/1997-11/porgy.html ===The Complicated Life of Porgy . . . audiences. Porgy's clowning is a deliberate frustration of white power. Porgy also plays Uncle Tom, . . .
28K - last updated 2004-08-16 21:10 by wof
[[Food]] http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2010/jul/15/how-to-make-perfect-ratatouille . . . browned. Serve with extra virgin olive oil and crusty bread. . . .
3K - last updated 2010-07-15 13:08 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] ''At the hole where he went in Red-Eye called to Wrinkle-Skin. Hear what little Red-Eye saith: . . . round to keep her head to his head, so that the rustle of her tail on the matting sounded like dry . . .
32K - last updated 2006-10-22 14:45 by Auriea
[[Projects]] these are notes. theres work to be done. mhm. ==Proposed Project== ===Title (required)=== . . . no return. To take death and killing seriously. Frustration with action game killing. A response. The . . . with games being always about the same thing. Frustration with violence. Fighting for the presence . . .
6K - last updated 2007-11-19 18:17 by Auriea
[[Reference]] Rule 001 » Once you have their money, you never give it back. Rule 002 » The best deal . . . Make your shop easy to find. Rule 047 » Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own. Rule . . . a customer born every minute. Rule 072 » Never trust your customers. Rule 073 » If it gets you profit, . . . 098 » Every man has his price. Rule 099 » Trust is the biggest liability of all. Rule 100 » If . . . mountains... (of inventory). Rule 105 » Don't trust anyone who trusts you. Rule 106 » There is no . . .
10K - last updated 2009-01-17 01:51 by Auriea
223K - last updated 2006-08-22 19:00 by Auriea
Something I Don't Trust
223K - last updated 2005-04-13 10:14 by Auriea
[[Food]] http://www.ehow.com/how_6999_make-sweet-potato.html ------ My recipe for sweet potato pie [[thumb:2005-11-01 . . . cinnamon 1 pinch nutmeg 1 store-bought pie crust or your can just line a pan with vanilla wafers . . . well mixed. Whether you used a ready made pie crust or just cookies, pour the potatoes mixture into . . . the crust. Put into an oven preheated to 375 degrees. Cook . . .
4K - last updated 2009-05-21 20:25 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] THE ANALYTICAL LANGUAGE OF JOHN WILKINS By Jorge Luis Borges Translated from the Spanish 'El . . . (bronze, brass), recremental (filings, rust) and natural (gold, tin, copper). Beauty belongs . . .
9K - last updated 2010-09-13 21:50 by Auriea
[[Entropy8.com]] Manifesto | 1996 - 1998 [[image:bread]] Co-written by Bable and the Cut-up Machine. . . . myself again, whats it about anyway. aside from frustrated desire. take that and distill it and make . . . myself again, whats it about anyway. aside from frustrated desire. take that and distill it and make . . . myself again, whats it about anyway. aside from frustrated desire. take that and distill it and make . . . myself again, whats it about anyway. aside from frustrated desire. take that and distill it and make . . .
21K - last updated 2018-09-10 19:41 by Auriea.
[[mythology]] Aeschylus The Eumenides ''The Kindly Ones'' 458 BC ''This translation, which has been prepared . . . allies in me, my land, the Argive people. We'll trust her forever. No matter where she is—in Libya, . . . against their accusations, if you really trust the justice of your case, as you sit here clinging . . . will send the help I need. CHORUS LEADER So you trust the dead, and yet you killed your mother? ORESTES . . . so he might prove himself, then place eternal trust in you, dear goddess, and you could win a new . . .
53K - last updated 2006-06-02 20:58 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] POEM The Glass Essay BY AnneCarson I I can hear little clicks inside my dream. Night drips . . . in that one moment when I found myself thrusting my little burning red backside like a baboon . . . oceanliner and now behind her in the dark a rustling sound, comes— My pajamas are soaked. Anger . . .
46K - last updated 2013-01-06 12:10 by Auriea
SongBook Well i pulled on trouble's braids And i hid in the briars Out by the quick mud Stayin' away . . . jacket On some old barbed wire Poured cold rusty water On a miserable fire I pulled on trouble's . . .
1K - last updated 2005-06-16 09:50 by Auriea
[[Food]] 日本 ===YOSHINOYA AUTHENTIC GYUDON, TOLD TO ME BY A VERY KNOWLEDGABLE JAPANESE GIRL{{lifted . . . heat for a few minutes, and skim the top for crusty brown stuff. This is called aku. You don’t . . .
3K - last updated 2007-08-31 20:39 by Auriea
SongBook FM:Joanna+Newsom/Ys ==Emily== the meadowlark and the chim-choo-ree and the sparrow set to the . . . up to you and me, in our window? there is a rusty light on the pines tonight sun pouring wine, . . .
21K - last updated 2007-07-05 01:03 by Auriea
DigitalSculpture ZBrush is the only application that makes me think that 3d modeling could be alright . . . http://www.pixologic.com/docs/index.php/Joseph_Drust ----- texturing with photoreference http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?t=33715&page=1&pp=15 . . .
14K - last updated 2014-09-17 17:07 by Auriea
SketchBook <pre>(^_^)/ Hi! (^^)// (^0^)/ (^o^)/ (^O^)/ (-o-)/ (^-^)/ (^^/ ( ^^) smile (^_^) (*^^) . . . p(^-^)q (`_') glare at you ( --)//~ being frustrated ( ^)(^-^) kiss! (*^3^)/ (^3^)/ )^o^( ( ^3^)/ . . .
5K - last updated 2005-12-19 14:10 by Auriea
ProofOfMyExistence L'enfer, c'est les autres. (Hell is Other People.) ---Sartre L'enfer, c'est moi! ---Michaël . . . because we felt the guy who ran it could not be trusted. we weren't cast out of hell, we fled. ===for . . .
1K - last updated 2006-10-27 22:18 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] ''see also: [[meditation]]'' i meditate upon the ten directions / i meditate upon the ten intermediate . . . corrosions of daggers / i meditate upon rusts and skulls / i meditate upon the bones of broken . . . corrosions of daggers / meditate upon rusts and skulls / meditate upon the bones of broken . . .
6K - last updated 2010-05-13 00:44 by Auriea
CastOfThousands * William Eggleston [http://www.interviewmagazine.com/art/william-eggleston/] [http://www.egglestontrust.com/] . . .
1K - last updated 2009-02-02 02:12 by Auriea
49K - last updated 2012-06-07 15:35 by Auriea
ProofOfMyExistence i started smoking because of JonathonVreeland. Not that he wanted me to, but i think . . . her life until she became too old and senile to trust her with fire. But when I was young, I liked sitting . . .
2K - last updated 2005-06-02 22:00 by wof
[[Reference]] ||'''Eskimo''' ||'''English''' || ||apun ||snow || ||apingaut ||first snowfall || ||pokaktok . . . || ||natigvik ||snowdrift || ||sillik ||hard, crusty snow || ||kimaugruk ||snowdrift that blocks something . . .
2K - last updated 2006-11-24 18:43 by Auriea
SongBook There’s a shadow just behind me. shrouding every step I take. Making every promise empty. . . . just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in . . . just an imbecile. I will only complicate you. trust in me and fall as well. I will find a center in . . . you. I will chew it up and leave. Trust me. trust me. trust me. trust me. trust me. Why . . .
2K - last updated 2005-07-08 14:39 by