http://womanonfire.livejournal.com/633234.html i thought i would never write here again but, here goes. . . .
4K - last updated 2012-06-05 13:49 by Auriea
2005-03-23 forsaken
My big monitor that i won in 1996 died today. Very sad, and now i am stuck working on a fuzzy and far . . .
2K - last updated 2005-03-23 20:17 by Auriea
http://www.bigproductions.fr/video_promo/doncavalli/video1.flv . . .
1K - last updated 2006-11-23 14:57 by Auriea
2006-12-23 cats and dogs
81K - last updated 2006-12-23 14:12 by Auriea
323K - last updated 2007-02-23 13:21 by Auriea
2007-09-09 u92
once again too many thoughts. the fact that i am in a country which could be falling apart. my insistence . . . at a time [http://www.last.fm/forum/21717/_/323980 when i refuse to believe in flags]. got me thinking . . .
2K - last updated 2007-09-09 21:49 by Auriea
79K - last updated 2007-11-23 19:02 by Auriea
38K - last updated 2008-04-23 22:18 by Auriea
33K - last updated 2008-09-23 12:34 by Auriea
2008-09-23 2
232K - last updated 2008-09-23 14:31 by Auriea
41K - last updated 2008-10-23 12:31 by Auriea
2008-10-23 postulating theories formulating equasions
63K - last updated 2008-10-23 12:50 by Auriea
2008-10-23 theres ones who are liars and those who dont know
32K - last updated 2008-10-23 22:28 by Auriea
110K - last updated 2009-01-23 22:56 by Auriea
2009-03-30 gdc notes
<html><object width="480" height="295"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UcC9-HYX1Ek&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param . . . Indeed it was a big theme for us and for many . . .
2K - last updated 2009-03-30 11:41 by Auriea
60K - last updated 2018-09-29 18:13 by Auriea
To talk little is natural. High winds do not last all morning. Heavy rain does not last all day. Why . . .
1K - last updated 2005-11-11 12:47 by Auriea
[[Tempest]] ==== All you Ever Wanted to Know About TEMPEST ==== from http://library.psyon.org/tempest.txt . . . (CIAC) has an interesting document called CIAC-2304 Vulnerabilities of Facsimilie Machines and Digital . . .
44K - last updated 2008-05-02 21:50 by Auriea
<html><iframe id='embed3DViewer' src='http://www.123dapp.com/fullpreview/embedViewer?assetId=1950236&size=small' . . .
1K - last updated 2014-01-08 12:20 by Auriea
RandomIdeas http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2123/coperta_08.html seriously, I want to learn a craft. . . . woman,[http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2123/index.html Josée Van Loon], or take her classes. . . . to contact me earlyer you can phone me 0475/47.23.65 greetings Josée -- Josee Van Loon - Atelier . . . and Archives Bibliotheca Wittockiana, 21-23 rue de Bemel, 1150 Bruxelles 32 2 770 5333 Tues-Sat . . . Rozier BVBA Rozier 19 9000 Gent 09 223 53 80 09 233 39 80 It's right around the corner, . . .
3K - last updated 2005-04-29 09:52 by Auriea
[[autopsy]] From: Ed Uthman <uthman@neosoft.com> Newsgroups: sci.med.pathology,sci.med,sci.answers,news.answers . . . Nuntius 2.0_PPC X-XXMessage-ID: <B1230C586501092E@scooter-ppp-port-23.neosoft.com> . . .
27K - last updated 2007-05-18 12:10 by Auriea
OutsideSomeplace ==some places== * fabra observatory http://www.observatorifabra.com/es/ ----- ==net . . . Inopia Classic Bar, Tamarit 104; (34-93) 424-5231; www.barinopia.com. Irati, Cardenal Casanyes 17; . . . forms. WHERE TO SHOP Castañer, Mestre Nicolau 23; (34-93) 414-2428; www.castaner.com. La Boqueria, . . . Tip Buy a two-to-five-day Barcelona Card (23 to 34 euros) online (www.barcelonaturisme.com) and . . .
3K - last updated 2008-07-19 20:49 by Auriea
CastOfThousands [[background:TheHangedMan|repeat #000000]] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2446/3714923618_1c449775d3_b.jpg . . .
1K - last updated 2010-04-14 23:38 by Auriea
ElegantMedia moderators: Maja Kuzmanovic (FoAM) and Michael Samyn (Tale of Tales) wednesday may 24, 2006 . . . !!! please email them the latest on the 23rd of May (Tuesday)!!! 1. *your bio* (max 300 words). . . .
10K - last updated 2018-09-11 10:24 by Au-Mercury
[[Blender]] http://tba-creations.leveluphost.com/index.php/Tutorials/using-the-mouse-in-the-ge-theory.html . . . * [http://www.cgtalk.com/showthread.php?t=189123&highlight=game ALL ABOUT PYTHON] * [http://www.museum.state.il.us/ismdepts/library/linuxguides/blender/blender_faq_10.html . . .
3K - last updated 2009-04-22 18:34 by 78-21-206-53.access.telenet.be
[[Blender]] BPy script repository (sometimes you will get an error message that one or the other of these . . . * http://blender3d.org/cms/The_Blender_Windows.235.0.html * http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro . . .
3K - last updated 2007-02-24 20:00 by Auriea
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3391/3509373923_608241d89a_o.jpg FM:Boduf+Songs seen at croxhapox on may . . .
1K - last updated 2009-05-18 14:57 by Auriea
SketchBooks '''everyday kinds of peace and violence''' july 1993 - september 1993 23.5 x 31 cm; handbound . . .
1K - last updated 2012-09-06 12:31 by Auriea
SketchBooks [[Book23B]] <include "Book23B"> ------- [[Book23A]] <include "Book23A"> . . .
1K - last updated 2012-09-06 13:56 by Auriea
[[image:Book23A_Cover]] used only briefly in 1995 then dismembered, didn't like the feel of it, or something . . .
1K - last updated 2012-09-06 14:00 by Auriea
Book23A Cover
98K - last updated 2012-09-03 15:17 by Auriea
'''''Like Being Awake Sleeping And Hearing Seeing''''' Oct. 1995 - June 1996 [[thumb:Book23B_Cover|250px]] . . . [[thumb:Book23B_BackCover|250px]] "She is a living example of the . . .
1K - last updated 2012-09-06 13:59 by Auriea
Book23B BackCover
67K - last updated 2012-09-03 15:13 by Auriea
Book23B Cover
120K - last updated 2012-09-03 15:11 by Auriea
SketchBooks '''Beautiful Lightside/Beautiful Darkside''' June 2006 - March 2007 16.3 x 24.3 cm; handbound, . . . [[thumb:Book32_Page22-23_darkside|300px]] [[thumb:Book32_Page24-25_darkside|300px]] . . .
2K - last updated 2018-09-09 21:17 by Auriea
Book32 Page22-23 darkside
230K - last updated 2009-01-16 22:46 by Auriea
SketchBooks '''BELGIË/BELGIQUE''' 18 Aug 2011 - 17 feb 2012 25.5 x 20 cm [[thumb:Book41_Cover|300px]] . . . . . .
1K - last updated 2018-09-09 21:12 by Auriea
SketchBooks '''Costumes Anciens et Modernes''' 26 July 2013 - 25 Sept 2013 14.5 x 23 cm handmade, found . . .
1K - last updated 2018-09-09 21:05 by Auriea
SketchBooks [[thumb:Book48_Cover|300px]] [[thumb:Book48_BackCover|300px]] '''Paris''' 25 Sept 2013 - . . . [[thumb:Book48_22|200px]] [[thumb:Book48_23|200px]] [[thumb:Book48_24|200px]] [[thumb:Book48_25|200px]] . . .
2K - last updated 2018-09-09 21:05 by Auriea
Book48 23
240K - last updated 2014-09-09 13:42 by Auriea
SketchBooks [[thumb:Book49_Cover|400px]] [[thumb:Book49_BackCover|400px]] '''La salle des Caryatides''' . . . [[thumb:Book49_22|200px]] [[thumb:Book49_23|200px]] [[thumb:Book49_24|200px]] [[thumb:Book49_25|200px]] . . .
2K - last updated 2018-09-09 21:04 by Auriea
Book49 23
228K - last updated 2014-09-09 14:16 by Auriea
CastOfThousands [[image:BorisVianAaZ]] books: [http://www.artworldbooks.com/pages/search.php?words=Vian&theme=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] . . . perpetuate the memory of Alfred Jarry. On June 23, 1959, the poorly made film version of I'll Spit . . .
8K - last updated 2012-07-02 13:21 by Auriea
OutsideSomeplace ''see also ToDo, [[August2006Travel]], nyc, [[CCpresentation2006]]'' ==Contacts== Connor . . . 315-560-9307 Katrina Grigg-Saito: 315-560-9223 ==things to talk to cc about== * can they help us . . .
2K - last updated 2009-06-29 11:10 by Auriea
SketchBook [[thumb:CaproniCasts-Cover|right|300px|frame| Not sure where I got the catalog anymore but . . . It seems the one I have is from 1923. I would love to order one of the reproductions... . . .
2K - last updated 2006-06-17 20:54 by Auriea
Celtic Holidays
[[Research]] ==Samhain== (sow-een or sow'-inn) Traditional date: October 31 to November 1 Actual astrological . . . September 21 Actual astrological date: September 23 in 2006 and 2007 Autumn Equinox, first day of Autumn, . . .
6K - last updated 2007-08-19 10:25 by Auriea
CastOfThousands [[drawing]] Some CharacterDesigners I admire: '''[::AkihikoYoshida]''' Final Fantasy . . . - http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3152237&did=1 '''[::TetsuyaNomura]''' Final Fantasy . . .
3K - last updated 2006-09-24 20:10 by Auriea
[[Reference]] <html><div align=right><font size=-1><font color=000000>(The signatories . . . align=right>E. Varèse, Tr. Tzara, Ph. Soupault,<br>Soubeyran, . . . M. Ray, F. Pi-<br> cabia, B. Péret, C. Pausaers<br>R.Hülsenbeeks, . . . "AU SANS PAREIL"<br>37, Avenue Kléber.<br>Tel. PASSY 25-22</b></font></html> . . .
6K - last updated 2007-05-22 22:55 by Auriea
[[Writing]] DrawingDancing [[background:DancingDrawing-image2|repeat #00FF00 scroll top]] '''A report . . . https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/649/23386951742_41aa815b47_b.jpg The wonderful thing about . . . a next step. https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/716/23413091441_f9d8573256_z.jpg I am an artist who Draws. . . . Andros Zins-Browne [https://vimeo.com/123096981]. Upon reflection, when I am looking at performances . . . followed. https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/696/23123636979_3f98997082.jpg ===DISCUSSION=== The point . . .
13K - last updated 2017-02-12 14:58 by Auriea
CastOfThousands http://womanonfire.livejournal.com/823684.html . . .
1K - last updated 2007-11-12 14:25 by Auriea
SketchBook ''see also: [[Painter]] (software) ==How detailed is detailed== close up of leaves, photos . . . - http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?t=236250 * http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=3275&page=1 . . .
2K - last updated 2014-09-29 13:27 by Auriea
SketchBook images drawn on a HomebrewDS using http://www.collectingsmiles.com/colors/ <html><object . . . . . . . . .
1K - last updated 2009-02-01 14:14 by Auriea
CastOfThousands Erik Satie (1912–13) Memories of an Amnesiac (Fragments) 1. What I Am Everyone . . . Get up: at 7:18 a.m.; inspired: from 10:23 to 11:47. I lunch at 12:11 p.m. and leave the . . .
5K - last updated 2009-11-27 18:52 by Auriea
[[Food]] http://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/2351371373904775/Bulgur-Salat.html http://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/904381195730161/Dolmades.html . . .
1K - last updated 2013-09-18 13:38 by Auriea
[[Empire]] * = not for iPad but i use it on iPad anyway ! = Don't know what I would do without it. Convert* . . . https://itunes.apple.com/be/app/cubits/id382334969?mt=8 NyanCat!, NobyNobyBoy! - fun funfunfufun . . . StarWalk, SolarWalk - I've tried many . . .
6K - last updated 2013-01-04 14:55 by Auriea
[[3dPrinting]] <center>[[thumb:FilamentHeads|400px]]</center> <center>'''FILAMENT LIST'''</center> . . . || || || || || PET ||clear ||print very high @232°, bed at 100°. don't like it as much as PP. stringy, . . . PLA/stone || Dark Stone ||dark gray ||print at @230°, bed at 100°. It tries to lift off the bed so . . . on || || PLA/stone || Sandy ||tan ||print at @230°, bed at 100°, fan OFF or it forms cracks || . . .
4K - last updated 2020-11-19 14:39 by 93-39-148-182.ip76.fastwebnet.it
<html> <a data-flickr-embed="true" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/entropy8/albums/72157669842528051" . . . src="https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3906/14457304234_384a863716.jpg" width="500" height="281" alt="Sunset"></a><script . . .
1K - last updated 2017-08-01 22:49 by Au-Mercury
SaintChristopher and Saint Giles were invoked against the plague itself. Saint Denis was prayed to for . . . ||Against family discord|| ||George (Georgius) ||23 April ||For the health of domestic animals|| ||Giles . . .
2K - last updated 2017-09-05 12:11 by Au-Mercury
[[Games]] <html><object id="flashObj" width="486" height="412" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" . . . novel of the horror genre [ . . .
3K - last updated 2009-09-26 22:27 by Auriea
<html> <a href='http://d1.openx.org/ck.php?n=a4b76645&cb=12345' target='_blank'> <img . . .
1K - last updated 2009-04-08 14:39 by Auriea
ToDo ==2005== this year Michael and I are giving the prize for Best Homepage made by a Couple. http://art.teleportacia.org/1000$/page2.html . . . * 50,000,000 Marks, Reichsbanknote, Germany 1923 ----- ==2004== for olia's 1000$ homepage contest: . . .
2K - last updated 2007-05-29 13:29 by Auriea
OutsideSomeplace http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3518/3718279091_d2008057b9_b.jpg ==free wifi== * http://www.wififreespot.com/in.html . . . Cafe - 201 S. Capitol Ave Suite 110 - 317-638-2233 Au Bon Pain - 901 Indiana Ave Bjava Coffee and . . . Tea - 5510 Lafayette Rd - 317 280 1236 Boulevard Place Caf� - Butler Tarkington - . . . Grill - 6010 East 82nd Street - (317) 577-2340 CiCi's Pizza - 3459 West 86th Street, 9982 East . . . Ave PAKMAIL - 11715 Fox Rd Suite 400 - 317-823-8383 Panera Bread - 2902 West 86th Street - (317) . . .
4K - last updated 2020-04-06 17:14 by Auriea-Mercury
This is the intermap -- it lists all URL abbreviations for this site. Only the lines starting with exactly . . . . . .
2K - last updated 2015-08-07 17:35 by Auriea
OutsideSomeplace <html><iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F23627412&show_artwork=true"></iframe></html> . . .
1K - last updated 2012-06-07 15:49 by Auriea
||''P A S T''' || || <center>[[thumb:ToTGames|1020px]]</center> || ||My work with Tale of . . . (contempt) Magdalene (regrets)||[[vimeo:319566239 400 533 0]]|| ||||[[thumb:Object_02-WIP|700px]] . . .
5K - last updated 2019-02-26 00:56 by Auriea
RssFeeds http://loczek.webd.pl/cover/?u=womanonfire&i=10&s=100 <html> <a href="http://www.last.fm/user/womanonfire/?chartstyle=basicrt10"><img . . . name="bgcolor" value="d01f3c" . . .
4K - last updated 2010-05-21 13:48 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] http://film.indiefilipino.com/item.php?id=93 http://filmbrain.typepad.com/filmbrain/2004/05/found_in_transl.html . . . 704x400 Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Frame Rate: 23.976 fps Video Bitrate: 908 kbps Video Codec: XviD . . . 00:04:43,096 But don't open it, it's mine. 23 00:04:46,461 --> 00:04:52,058 Nice place... big... . . . a TV, and DVD too. 30 00:05:19,221 --> 00:05:23,260 It's fucking hot! 31 00:05:23,341 --> 00:05:26,219 . . . 00:06:22,738 This heat can kill you. 39 00:06:23,101 --> 00:06:26,537 Why bother with suicide? . . .
27K - last updated 2005-07-24 13:56 by Auriea
[[Projects]] [[vimeo:231733 410 300 0]] Rearranging the letters of 'leviticus' gives: Visit clue. Is . . .
3K - last updated 2007-07-05 21:16 by Auriea
These are LocalNames for external links. whenever your use them they will be automatically linked. <tt> . . . . . .
2K - last updated 2014-01-21 13:54 by Auriea
[[Cathedral-in-the-Clouds]] Much about technology these days is treated like medival monks treated christian . . . of the true crosrrrrrrrrrr Machina a punto as 123dcatch Thinking that the games you make don't touch . . .
5K - last updated 2019-01-11 19:30 by Auriea.
CastOfThousands [[flash:http://auriea.com/live.swf?thePic=http://keystrokes.org/Webcam.jpg&|160|120|#000000|best|exactfit]] . . . (????-1980?) MamaDora? (november 13, 1923?-2002?) MamaDoris (march 8(9), 1939?-?) Michael . . .
1K - last updated 2010-05-21 13:37 by Auriea
CastOfThousands [[thumb:MD|left]] from:http://www.france.diplomatie.fr/label_france/ENGLISH/LETTRES/DURAS/duras.html . . . writings of Pierre Loti."{{Pierre Loti (1850-1923): Naval officer and impressionist novelist famous . . .
11K - last updated 2010-04-15 09:56 by Auriea
[https://marmoset.co/posts/the-toolbag-baking-texturing-and-rendering-handbook/?utm_source=Marmoset+Newsletter&utm_campaign=74be762255-Email_Newsletter_22_Steph_Handbook&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5665c2c57f-74be762255-318423917&ct=t(Email_Newsletter_22_Steph_Handbook)&mc_cid=74be762255&mc_eid=81735d17a5 . . .
1K - last updated 2022-06-13 13:49 by Auriea
CastOfThousands [[background external:http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3182/2910930013_cb3490c72b.jpg|repeat . . . http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3092/2636567843_6ef05fd885_b.jpg . . . http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3235/2700984718_9ec18476e5_b.jpg . . .
1K - last updated 2010-04-15 09:53 by Auriea
[[photography]] http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3220/2511129142_9f8bf66ac0_o.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2321/2539059861_0ace5a9b75.jpg . . .
1K - last updated 2010-07-05 17:49 by Auriea
[[Movies]] <list "Movies"> ----- ''see also: [[Cinema2007]]'', http://www.theauteurs.com/users/81386 . . . A Glass Darkly - Bergman # JEANNE DIELMAN, 23 QUAI DU COMMERCE, 1080 BRUXELLES - Chantal Ackerman . . .
1K - last updated 2009-07-06 12:34 by Auriea
MySong i will take music lessons in the summer. i want to better understand the music i love so much. . . . Tel Fax muziekacademie.gent@pantarhei.be <source> . . . Gent tijdens opendeurdag zaterdag 23 juni 2007 van 10u00 tot 14u00 maandag 25 juni 2007 . . .
2K - last updated 2007-10-07 20:47 by Auriea
Object 02
ObjectSeries <center><html><nobr><div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe . . . . . .
6K - last updated 2017-03-28 19:42 by Au-Danae
OutsideSomeplace ==Next time== * http://www.bourdelle.paris.fr/en * another trip to musee moreau (recently . . . 19 October 2010 - 23 January 2011 Musée de l'Orangerie has panoramic . . . Horse Paris, 12, avenue George V; Eighth; 33-1-4723-3232; www.lecrazyhorseparis.fr; The show, including . . . 1, boulevard Poissonnière; Second; 33-1-4236-8393; www.legrandrex.com. Marché aux Puces de . . .
6K - last updated 2015-02-02 16:56 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] When they closed the last shopping mall crickets sang in crumbling walls. Termites ate through . . . - Handsome Family''{{a gift from LJ:lli/297423.html}} . . .
1K - last updated 2007-01-10 11:54 by Auriea
[[3D]] ''see also: PhotogrammetryFromVideo'' <html> <iframe width="640" height="480" src="https://sketchfab.com/models/0aaf3716c92b4ffeba39ac82319b7d55/embed" . . . . . . target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; . . . target="_blank" style="font-weight: bold; . . .
2K - last updated 2017-05-30 19:08 by Au-Mercury
[[Reference]] ***44 Photoshop Tricks & Tips By - Xing Wei 1. Press Tab will hide tool bar and palette, . . . of the original and merge all visible layers. 23. While using Marquee Tools, hold Alt will make the . . .
6K - last updated 2007-12-20 14:06 by Auriea
[[Quoth]] ''Excerpts{{lifted from http://pubpages.unh.edu/~dml3/880williams.htm}} from Raymond Williams{{linked . . . Ed. (NewYork: Oxford UP, 1983), pp. 87-93 and 236-8.}} == CULTURE == Culture is one of the two or . . .
20K - last updated 2005-01-09 15:48 by Auriea
OldManSorrow from http://www.neh.gov/news/humanities/1997-11/porgy.html ===The Complicated Life of Porgy . . . fusing classical music with American jazz. In 1923, Gershwin accompanied Milhaud to Harlem to hear . . . premiered it in Copenhagen in Danish on March 23, 1943, with an all-white cast. The opera was a great . . .
28K - last updated 2004-08-16 21:10 by wof
[[Movies]] The Books 1. A Book of Water This is a waterproof-covered book which has lost its colour by . . . the possibilities for dance in the human body. 23. The Book of Games This is a book of board games . . . This is a thick, printed volume of plays dated 1623. All thirty-six plays are there save one - the first. . . .
16K - last updated 2009-05-22 16:51 by Auriea
RandomIdeas <html> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- function get_random() { var ranNum= . . . rnd() { rnd.seed = (rnd.seed*9301+49297) % 233280; return rnd.seed/(233280.0); }; function rand(number) . . .
2K - last updated 2005-12-26 13:32 by Auriea
[[Food]] http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2010/jul/15/how-to-make-perfect-ratatouille . . . serve 1 clove garlic, minced 1. Heat the oven to 230C, cut the peppers in half, removing the seeds and . . .
3K - last updated 2010-07-15 13:08 by Auriea
CastOfThousands [[image:infestation]] Img:Rebecca+Horn http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2005/may/23/art . . .
9K - last updated 2009-11-18 02:45 by Auriea
[[Projects]] Photogrammetry created from Youtube HD drone video of the ruins of Homs, Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoRdCbDd50o&t=31s . . . . . .
3K - last updated 2017-09-15 23:37 by Au-Danae
[[Reference]] Rule 001 » Once you have their money, you never give it back. Rule 002 » The best deal . . . is for sale, including friendship. Rule 123 » Even a blind man can recognize the glow of Latinum. . . . 219 » Possession is 11/10 of the law. Rule 223 » Beware the man who doesn't make time for oo-mox. . . . Rule 229 » Latinum lasts longer than lust. Rule 231 » There's a sucker born every minute; be sure . . . you're the first to find each one. Rule 236 » You can't buy fate. Rule 239 » Never be afraid . . .
10K - last updated 2009-01-17 01:51 by Auriea
[[Language]] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |12 13 "14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . . .
1K - last updated 2010-04-05 23:23 by Auriea
FataleVrouwen John the Baptist Beheaded 14King Herod heard about this, for Jesus' name had become well . . . for anything you want, and I'll give it to you." 23And he promised her with an oath, "Whatever you ask . . .
3K - last updated 2007-11-12 14:18 by Auriea
[[Reference]] WikiPedia:Category:Hellenistic_sculptors ''see also: painting, drawing, DigitalPainting, . . . http://library.thinkquest.org/23492/data/marble.htm [[::sculptors]] # Gianlorenzo . . .
1K - last updated 2018-09-28 13:58 by Auriea.
[[thumb:AnneCarson-Candor|600px]] This archive is a work in/of constant progress. '''I welcome you to . . . 23B - Like Being Awake Sleeping And . . . Hearing Seeing|http://auriea.org/Book23|23.]] [[image external:http://auriea.org/oddmuse_thumbnail_cache/Book22B_Cover/128|Book . . .
8K - last updated 2019-06-07 10:17 by Auriea
[[Research]] ====Once upon a time... Some of the Beautiful True and False Names of Allah {{lifted from . . . was sent as an email by Alan Sondheim [[2004-12-23]]}}==== The Reckoner or One Who Suffices for Everyone . . .
3K - last updated 2010-05-26 13:28 by Auriea
OutsideSomeplace permalinks to random places. via: http://web.mit.edu/~jmcmicha/www/globegenie/ and http://www.mapcrunch.com/ . . . ==Antarctica== * penguins! . . .
2K - last updated 2010-12-23 16:42 by Auriea
ProofOfMyExistence ==2017== ||I.17 || $129+179 || $300 (11,04 EURfee) || 285,13 EUR || 20170107 || $1,947 . . . || $129+179 || $300 USD ($12 USD fee) || €288,23 EUR || 20160209 || ?? || ||III.16 || $129+179 || . . . $300 USD ($12 USD fee) || €288,23 EUR || 20160306 || 3,116.93 || ||IV.16 || $129+179 . . . || $300 USD ($12 USD fee) || €288,23 EUR || 20160411 || ?? || ||V.16 || $129+179 || $300 . . . hopefully for the last time}} || $139.19 || $623,70 USD || €494,16 EUR|| 20130409||$3,924.91 + . . .
14K - last updated 2017-06-16 11:39 by Au-Danae
SketchBooks width in cm. divided by 2 [[thumb:Book49_Cover|75px]] [[thumb:Book48_Cover|65px]] [[thumb:Book47_Cover|72px]] . . . ------ [[thumb:Book24_Cover|85px]] [[thumb:Book23B_Cover|64px]] [[thumb:Book23A_Cover|166px]] [[thumb:Book22B_Cover|128px]] . . .
2K - last updated 2014-09-09 14:27 by Auriea
[[Mythology]] 46 Prophecies the Antichrist will fulfill # The antichrist will be a man - Daniel 7:24-25 . . . means 7227 rab (rab); by contracted from 7231; abundant (in quantity, size, age, number, rank, . . . # He will have a fierce countenance - Daniel 8:23 # He will understand puzzling things - Daniel 8:23 . . . kingdom will devour the whole earth - Daniel 7:23 # He will have great military power that will stand . . .
9K - last updated 2009-06-25 09:25 by Auriea
[[Entropy8.com]] Manifesto | 1996 - 1998 [[image:bread]] Co-written by Bable and the Cut-up Machine. . . . a long time and I still dont have it for you. 023. I am truly addicted. Addicted to life at this point . . .
21K - last updated 2018-09-10 19:41 by Auriea.
<html><center><div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe width="90%" height="750" . . . frameborder="0" allowvr allowfullscreen . . .
1K - last updated 2018-03-09 16:15 by Au-Mercury
[[photography]] http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2367/2518960124_4d245c7134.jpg --i think i lost part of . . .
1K - last updated 2009-02-22 14:05 by Auriea
The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges By this art you may contemplate the variations of the 23 letters... . . .
18K - last updated 2010-10-02 01:15 by Auriea
FiftyBooks A GraphicNovel series written by NeilGaiman. Covers by DaveMcKean. [http://spiffyness.net/dream/ . . . style=width:400px;height:326px . . .
7K - last updated 2010-05-19 14:56 by Auriea
FataleVrouwen [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+19%3A25&version=NIV John 19:25] . . . "the other women", after stating earlier (Luke 23:55) that at the burial of Jesus "the women who had . . .
3K - last updated 2017-04-07 13:12 by Au-Danae
1) Bientôt l’été, 2011 http://tale-of-tales.com/bientotlete A holodeck beach simulation. Entertainment . . . of game design at a time when all vidogames were 23hours long and involved combat, we gave the world . . .
2K - last updated 2020-06-15 22:30 by Auriea-Mercury
ElegantMedia ==Flower Painting== WikiPedia:Jan_van_Huysum WikiPedia:Abraham_Mignon WikiPedia:Jan_Weenix . . . Paintings - http://www.freewebs.com/garyosborn/235degreereferences.htm ==Momento Mori Elements== ===living=== . . .
2K - last updated 2008-03-18 17:30 by d54C6FF9F.access.telenet.be
CastOfThousands ''see also: TheLivingLine'' ==Six Drawing Lessons== <html><iframe width="560" . . . ==Other Lectures== # [https://vimeo.com/78123839 Second Hand Reading] . . .
2K - last updated 2015-11-23 19:44 by Auriea
<center><html><div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe width="90%" height="700" . . . . . .
1K - last updated 2017-09-15 23:44 by Au-Danae
DigitalSculpture ZBrush is the only application that makes me think that 3d modeling could be alright . . . about masking with alpha. . . . * [ Zspheres Fundamentals . . .
14K - last updated 2014-09-17 17:07 by Auriea
[[Food]] http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Easy-Baking-Powder-Drop-Biscuits/Detail.aspx INGREDIENTS: 2 cups . . . DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat an oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). 2. Mix flour, baking powder, salt, . . .
1K - last updated 2013-06-14 10:39 by Auriea
[[Empire]] @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cardo|Crimson+Text|Quattrocento|Source+Serif+Pro'); . . . 1px #cccccc; border-style: outset; padding: .23em .4em; color: #666666; text-shadow: #222222 0px . . .
14K - last updated 2017-02-26 09:41 by Auriea
DigitalSculpture <center><html> <div class="sketchfab-embed-wrapper"><iframe width="1080" . . . src="https://sketchfab.com/models/ed124c52c0b74232b719913f55fc077d/embed" frameborder="0" allowvr . . .
1K - last updated 2018-12-25 15:00 by Auriea.
[[Reference]] ''see also: FavoriteColor'' [::DeadColor] The first layers of paint the artist applies . . . R: 249, G:244, B:006 Cadmium Lemon R: 244, G:237, B:001 Yellow R: 241, G:167, B:016 Cadmium Yellow . . . R: 231, G:129, B:053 Cadmium Orange R: 225, G:036, B:066 . . . Cadmium Red R: 231, G:081, B:110 Rose Madder R: 166, G:036, B:046 . . .
2K - last updated 2013-01-16 12:15 by Auriea
/* @override http://auriea.org/?* */ @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Quattrocento+Sans|Quattrocento|Cutive . . . 1px #cccccc; border-style: outset; padding: .23em .4em; color: #666666; text-shadow: #222222 0px . . .
15K - last updated 2022-03-21 12:38 by Au
[[日本語]] * 645 大化 Taika * 650 白雉 Hakuchi * 654 (Discontinued) * 672 白鳳 Hakuhō * 686 . . . * 898 昌泰 Shōtai * 901 延喜 Engi * 923 延長 Enchō * 931 承平 Jōhei or Shōhei * 938 . . . 安貞 Antei * 1229 寛喜 Kanki or Kangi * 1232 貞永 Jōei * 1233 天福 Tenpuku * 1234 文暦 . . . Bunryaku * 1235 嘉禎 Katei * 1238 暦仁 Ryakunin * 1239 延応 . . .
6K - last updated 2005-06-29 09:29 by wof
[[Reference]] ''see also: breathe, yoga, meditation, scoliosis'' this series is a little crazy: <html> . . . . . . type="application/x-shockwave-flash" . . . . . . type="application/x-shockwave-flash" . . .
6K - last updated 2011-03-21 18:10 by Auriea
<pre> Séquence de nucléotides de l'ADN du bactériophage lambda (48502 nucléotides, MM=31,5Md) . . . 2301ctgacgccggaaggggatgaaccgcttcccggtgccgttcacttcccgaa . . . 2351taacccggatatttttgatctgaccgaagcgcagcagctgactgctgaag . . . 12301aggcagaacgggaagccacggaacagcgcctgaaggaacagtatggcgat . . . 12351aatccgctggcgctgaataacgtcatgtcagagcagaaaaagacctgggc . . .
53K - last updated 2004-12-23 22:04 by Auriea
[[Research]] emaki 絵巻 Also called emakimono 絵巻物, or less commonly, *ekotoba 絵詞. Painting . . . Museum) from the first half of the 12c (ca. 1230) which exists in fragmentary form today. The lyrical . . .
6K - last updated 2005-06-21 10:18 by Auriea
<html> <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; . . . . . .
2K - last updated 2017-06-27 11:34 by Au-Mercury
[[Projects]] * Naoko Ogawa (berlin/japan) http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/blogs/themoment/posts/12308nytogawa1_n.jpg . . .
1K - last updated 2017-02-27 17:33 by d5152d4e4.static.telenet.be
[[日本語]] || January || いちがつ ||睦月 (むつき)|| || February || にがつ ||如月 or . . . ||23||二十三日||にじゅうさんいち||24||二十四日||にじゅうよっか|| . . .
3K - last updated 2005-06-13 10:47 by Auriea
[[Reference]] [[image:404]] <center>[[33]]</center> http://www.geocities.com/rmlyra/Numbers.html . . . http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com . . . a square. 22 is the number of partitions of 8. 23 is the smallest number of integer-sided boxes that . . . concatenated with the reverse of n is prime. 123 is the 10th Lucas number. 124 is the smallest number . . . the number of lattices on 10 unlabeled nodes. 223 is the smallest prime which will nor remain prime . . .
74K - last updated 2014-05-30 12:49 by Auriea
ElegantMedia http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3397/3203934691_f52381bb57.jpg * polaroid * MediumFormat . . .
2K - last updated 2010-07-05 17:51 by Auriea
[[Research]] '''Spring Begins''' The east wind melts the ice Feb 5-9 ~ Larvae twitch in their cocoons . . . '''Summer Solstice''' Deer break antlers June 19-23 ~ Cicadas begin to sing June 24-28 ~ Bindweed flourishes . . . Rotted weeds metamorphose into fireflies July 19-23 ~ The earth is muddy the air is humid July 24-28 . . . Aug 18-22 ~ Heaven and earth turn strict Aug 23-27 ~ Rice ripens Aug 28 - Sept 1 '''White Dews''' . . .
4K - last updated 2005-12-18 21:11 by Auriea
myImages[5][0] = "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3447/3984562337_fb1ec28287_z.jpg"; myImages[5][1] = "http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1417/5125202669_dce2330777_z.jpg"; . . .
2K - last updated 2013-05-30 14:39 by Auriea
[[Empire]] [[image:LadyInTheRadiator]] [[foreground external:http://visceral.net/autopsy/mid/02.jpg|repeat . . . [[image:gold]] [[vimeo:914299 640 360 . . .
1K - last updated 2015-06-16 21:15 by Auriea
ElegantMedia ''see also: CreativeWriting, [[poetry]], [[blog]]'' === hm. === WikiPedia:parataxis WikiPedia:hypotactaxis . . . a big word when a diminutive one would suffice. 23. Kill all exclamation points!!! 24. Use words correctly, . . .
3K - last updated 2017-02-12 14:53 by Auriea